Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tips to Reduce Stroke Risk

Stroke is a medical disease not only attacks the elderly. In the United States each years 15,000 people aged between 30-44 years had a stroke.

In Indonesia, the number of stroke has never been clear. Please be advised, due to health data is not considered important. But experts agree that age of stroke patients are getting younger here.

If you do not want and do not be a victim, start now also have to take precautions. Here are some suggestions from Harold P. Adams, Jr.. MD., Professor of neurology at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinic, Iowa City, USA., To reduce the risk of stroke.

1. Check your blood pressure regularly. Research shows that 40 percent diligent control reduces the risk of stroke. "Controlling high blood pressure is vital for the prevention of stroke," said Prof. Adams. When more than 140/90, meaning your blood pressure high. Try to lower it.

2. Get rid of tobacco. The study results showed, away from tobacco reduces the risk of stroke by 33 percent. "There is no smoke slightly. Should be stopped altogether, since this time!" Prof said. Adams.

3. Check your neck. Ask your doctor to listen to swish it around your neck. This is especially important if you have atherosclerosis (hardening and thickening of blood vessels) that causes blockage of blood flow.

4. Do exercise. Research shows that those who started training at the age between 25-40 years, the risk of stroke was reduced 57 percent. While that began training at the age of 40-55 years, 37 percent better chance to avoid a stroke.

5. Originally green or orange, just eat. Too early called beta-carotene can prevent stroke. But eating vegetables and fruits (source of beta-carotene) more and more each day, said Prof. Adams, very good.

6. Eat potassium. Research confirms, consume potassium-rich foods daily, 40 percent reduced risk of stroke. Potatoes are a good source of potassium, in addition to avocados, soybeans, bananas, salmon and tomatoes.

7. Get to know the content of aspirin. It is often referred aspirin can help prevent stroke. "But if you do not have the risk of stroke, the impact could be less good," said Prof. Adams. Consult your doctor.

8. Reduce fat. Whats good for your heart, good for the brain too. Keeping cholesterol levels means inhibits atherosclerosis and stroke. Eat fat no more than 25 percent of calories.

9. Stay away from alcohol. If you are not yet acquainted with alcohol, better not to know, although there are studies that claim that a certain amount could prevent strokes and heart attacks. Therefore, it is never clear that the size of drink in moderation.

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