Opportunities pregnant at the age of 35 years is smaller, because the number of ovum is reduced. Liked or not, but every woman born with a whole ovum has, and one by one will be issued every month during menstruation.

According to "Dr.Prashant Nadkarni" Fertility Center of Kuala Lumpur, the age of a womans fertility begins to decline at age 35. "Pregnancy should not be delayed too long, because the age will reduce the risk of fertilization success," he said.
Pregnancy at the ripe old age also increases the risk of miscarriage and babies born with abnormalities, given the quality of the chromosomes and the ovum is no longer as good at a young age.
He explained: today the world is facing a crisis of fertility, even in the most populous country like China. "But this is not a serious issue and the experts do not see it as a disease," he said.
In Asia, 80 percent of people estimated to suffer from infertility. Some countries are facing the most severe fertility problems were Singapore, Hong Kong and Macao.
Beyond the age at marriage are increasingly shifted, Nadkarni said there are many factors that cause a decrease in fertility, such as lifestyle, health, and environmental pollution.
Experts say obesity is a major cause of excessive difficulty many couples conceive. Ideally, body mass index for women is between 19-24.
Male sperm count is also influenced by body weight. "Unhealthy lifestyles, such as frequent alcohol consumption and smoking also reduce sperm count," he said.
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