Well that did not feel weak when fasting, no way least, make us feel full longer. One of the easiest ways is to eat food when the meal takes longer to digest exhausted. There are certain foods that take longer to digest, which is about 8 hours until completely discharged digested by the stomach. Conversely, there are also eating only takes 3-4 hours of indigestion, this type should avoid mate.
Type of food a long time cernanya are complex carbohydrates. For example rice, especially brown rice, and wheat, oatmel, and nuts. Therefore, if my friend does not want to feel hungry quickly exceed, brown rice consumption at dawn in sufficient quantities.
Other foods that also make full longer is the fibrous foods. Examples of high-fiber foods: spinach, peas, green beans, a fruit that can be eaten with the skin, and dried fruit. Another one is foods containing protein, such as eggs.
So if my friend would feel full longer, buddy should remember the key to success at dawn the following, eat foods that contain lots of protein, good fats, and fiber.
Half a cup of oatmeal measuring 3 grams will be enough to help my friend feel full longer. Oatmel also provide 4-7 grams of protein before plus milk. Buddy can present oatmel plus milk and piece of fruit such as bananas, strawberries, or any fruit that my friend had ;-)
In the egg there are only 70 calories, but got more than 6 grams of protein. Women who eat eggs for food tends to be the first full longer, perhaps because the protein can indeed withstand hunger. Eggs are one of the best dishes to eat rice. Can also eat a boiled egg eating a meal at the end of man. Eggs also will make my friend feel more energized after eating it, but I do not recommend raw or undercooked eggs, because there may be no bad bacteria. So it should be cooked first to mature.
Soup contains a lot of water, also can make feel full longer. When my friend started the day with soup, activates brain signals that inform my friend had enough to eat. So, before my friend wants to eat other foods, my friend was already satisfied with rice and soup that my friend enjoyed before. Should select a bowl of soup made from broth, with fiber-rich vegetables such as celery and spinach.
Avocados may not be attractive enough to eat, but the fruit is rich in monounsaturated fats that help slow speed when digested food and stomach emptying itself. Avocado was also rich in folate, potassium, and vitamin E. Of much study found that foods containing these three nutrients will be more filling than other foods.
An apple contains only 80 calories, but contains 4 grams of fiber and high water on the apples to eat and the same can make a great meal. Therefore, to feel full longer, finish eating a meal with an apple dude. Apple was also able to help clean the plaque on the teeth. Eating apples helps the body produce saliva clean in a short time so that breath back refreshed.
Nuts contain a lot of protein, about 7 grams per half-cup! Nuts also contain complex carbohydrates, which take longer to digest. Buddy can cultivate soybeans (such as tempeh), lentils, chickpeas, and beans into delicious, healthy and of course filling.
Manyantap cashews, almonds, walnuts, or pistachios while waiting Ruling also not a bad idea. Beans are a perfect combination of fiber, protein, and fat. But the dude still need to limit their consumption, and additional salt, to avoid excess calories. Any excess thats not good, is not it.
While, for the drink, just choose water or unsweetened fruit juice. Drink as much as possible during the night, between the time open up when going to sleep. Thus, it could replace all fluid lost during fasting. Maybe my friend would often feel the urge, no problem, even with a lot of waste water, dirt or toxins in the body will also be out and buddies will feel healthier.
Pal types of foods should avoid:
Greasy food. Unfortunately many people are eating foods that during fasting. Greasy foods cause indigestion, heartburn, and can raise the weight. Similarly, fatty foods.
Foods that have a short digestive period, one that contains ingredients such as sugar and white flour. If my friend ate white bread at dawn, a moment buddy was feeling very hungry.
Processed snacks and sugar were added, such as cookies, crackers, and croissants. These foods tend to make fast dude hungry again. Choose snacks that are made from whole grains, like popcorn without the extra salt and butter. Avoid cereals that have been given an extra sweetener, and a variety of frozen foods labeled diet. This type of food is usually not substantial enough.
The last should also be avoided when eating a meal (or when breaking) is too much to eat. Drinking too much tea at suhoor is also not good. Tea causes increased urine production. The more urine out, the more salt out. In fact, salt is needed during fasting.
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