Adolescents are defined as the stage of development that lead individuals transition from childhood to adulthood, marked by physical changes of puberty as well as cognitive and social changes. Limitation of adolescents according to WHO (World Health Organization) is aged 12 to 24 years.
The big change physically, intellectually and emotionally to someone who causes conflict in question, as well as conflicts with the environment. Many teens are able to adapt well to the changes that happened to him, and be able to adapt well to the changing needs and expectations of parents and society.
Growth Height and Weight Loss
A person will experience rapid physical growth in adolescence which is the first stage of a series of changes which bring people to physical and sexual maturity.
Height and weight increased growth in adolescence. At the age of 12 years, the average height USA about 150 young men, while young women about 154 cm. At 18 years old, average height of young men of USA about 177 cm, while the girls just 163 cm. Kekepatan highest growth occurred in adolescent girls around the age of 11-12 years, while the young men, two years later. At the time of maximum growth, the girls grow about 3 inches in height, while the young men grew more than 4 inches per year growth in weight is more difficult to predict than the height, and more easily influenced by diet, physical exercise, and lifestyle.
Currently, adolescents undergo physical changes (in height and weight) and quickly ended earlier than their parents. For example, a hundred years ago, young U.S. and western Europe began menstruating around the age of 15-17 years, now about 12-14 years old. In 1880, males reach full height at the age of 23-24 years and women aged 19-20 years, males now reaching a maximum height at age 18-20 and women aged 13-14 years. This occurs as a result of increased health and nutritional factors, and better living conditions. For example, increasing the level of nutrition and health care, and decreased morbidity (morbidity) in infancy and childhood.
Muscle and Bone Growth Fat Networks
In his teens, body fat girls more than boys. During puberty, young mens body fat dropped from about 18-19% to 11% of body weight. While the young women, it increased from about 21% to about 26-27%. In adolescents will be enlarged pelvic similar in men and women. Its just because of her lack of growth, hip look bigger women than men. Due to the influence of hormone Androgen it will seem typical teenage boy that is broad shoulders, narrow hips and legs longer. Androgen hormones also play a role in the formation of muscle.
Growth Reproductive Organs
Puberty is a titandai early adolescence with the development of physical and sexual maturity. Puberty is characterized by the occurrence of a change in the characteristics of primary and secondary sex. Primary sex characteristics of possible occurrence of reproduction. In women, these characteristics include changes in the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. This change is marked by the emergence of the first period. In men, these characteristics include changes in the penis, scrotum, testes, Prosta gland and seminal vesicles. These changes lead to the production of sperm enough to be able to reproduce, and this change is characterized by release of sperm for the first time (usually through a wet dream). Secondary sex traits include changes in the breast, the feathers on the growth of certain body parts, as well as deepening of the voice. These changes are closely related to hormonal changes. Hormones are chemicals that are produced by the endocrine glands, then released through the bloodstream to various organs of the body.
The development of reproductive organs are affected by hormone estrogen in women and testosterone in men. The hormone estrogen also plays a role in the menstrual cycle.
Female sex glands (ovaries) and male (testes) contain less hormones. This hormone plays an important role in sexual maturation. Pituitary gland (located in the brain) stimulates the testes and ovaries to produce the hormones needed. This process is regulated by the hypothalamus which is above the brain stem.
Physical Growth Impact on Youth Psychological Conditions
Physical growth is very rapid in early adolescence turns impact on adolescent psychological conditions, both women and men. Awkward, embarrassed, disappointed, etc.. is a feeling that generally appear at that time.
Almost all teenagers notice changes in your body and appearance. Physical changes and attention to adolescent physical effect on the image (body image) and his confidence.
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