Wednesday, November 27, 2013

13 Time Management Tips

Time management refers to a range of skills, tools, and 
techniques used to manage time when accomplishing 
specific tasks, projects and goals. 
That is the Definition of Time Management.

Tips to Manage Time and reduce Stress


1.   Think through the task you are about to undertake before you even
      begin it.

2.   Dont take on too many tasks at the same time.

3.   Finish one project before starting on a new one.

4.   Always strive to finish everything you start.

5.   Streamline your paperwork so that you dont waste time on needless
6.   Ask for help. Delegate tasks rather than doing everything yourself.

7.   Set aside uninterrupted time to complete a project so that you can
      avoid distractions.

8.   Pay attention to instructions and conversations so that you get the details
      right from the first time.

9.   Before you run an errand, make sure the items you are going for are ready.

10. Schedule your appointments during the morning hours so that you
      become more organized.

11. Maintain a clutter free home and workspace so that you dont waste
      time looking for misplaced items.

12.  Pick out your outfit for the next morning and have everything ready
      so that you dont waste your time in the morning.

13.   Always keep your gas tank at half full or more so that you dont
      have to stop when it isnt convenient.

Time is valuable and we often take it for granted. We either have too
much or too little. Time is something to be respected and used wisely.

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