Monday, November 18, 2013

The development of pregnancy

Health for human | if you are pregnant of course want to know the babys development from pregnancy until delivery, the following characteristics and circumstances of mothers and babies in the womb in the third semester of pregnancy. the following information:

Developments & Body Changes During Pregnancy Trimester I (0-12 Weeks)
In the first months of your pregnancy, it may not be many people who understand when youre pregnant, because it has not seen real changes in your body. But in fact your body is actively working to adjust physically and emotionally for the process of this pregnancy.

Breast Enlargement
Breast will enlarge and tight, this is because at the beginning of fertilization increased pregnancy hormone that causes dilation of blood vessels and nourish the breast tissue. You may feel your bra or bra felt tight and uncomfortable again, you should prepare a new bra that fit with this new size for comfort and can support your breast. But do not waste a long time, you can save it as your breasts will go back to size before you get pregnant after you stop breastfeeding later.
In the first 3 months of this, you will see also the area around the nipple and your nipple will be darker colored, and because an increase in blood supply to the body then the area around the breast will look shadow venous vessels under the skin of your breast.

Frequent Urination
Youll feel more frequent urge to urinate, this is due to the growth of the uterus that your bladder pressure and hormonal changes
Remember not to reducing the intake of fluids / drinks you to overcome this problem because you need more liquid during this pregnancy.
And keep your hygiene.

You will probably find it difficult to defecate, this is because the increase progesterone hormone which causes muscle relaxation so that the intestine is less efficient, also Tablet Iron (iron) given by a physician is usually displaced constipation problems besides iron tablets will cause the color of feces you black, do not worry.
Overcome by drinking lots of water, high-fiber foods (vegetables and fruits) as well as sports.

The report shows that half of pregnant women experience nausea and started on a month to two. Nausea to certain foods, even just for the smell of certain foods only. This is because of increased hormonal.
Overcome by eating small amounts but often, do not eat in large quantities or portions only make you nauseous.
You do not need to worry if your baby is not enough nutrition. At the beginning of this pregnancy most pregnant women only slightly increased weight and does not affect your babys development.
And do not worry about complaints of nausea, vomiting usually will disappear by the end of the first trimester.
Contact your doctor if nausea and vomiting become so severe, so that you can not eat or drink anything and can lead to lack of fluids / dehydration. (Hyperemesis gravidarum).

You will feel tired, this is because your body is working actively to adjust physically and emotionally for this pregnancy. Also an increase in hormonal patterns can affect your sleep. Find time to rest as much as possible.

You may feel headaches more often than usual, this may be because of nausea, fatigue, hunger, low blood pressure, and can also be due to feelings of tension or even depression.
Overcome with the rest, and food to eat little but often can usually help, relax. When severe headaches more so call your doctor immediately. (In later pregnancy headaches can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, which is usually accompanied by an increase in blood pressure swollen hands and feet)

Feeling dizzy often at the beginning of this pregnancy because of the increased demands of blood to the body so that when you change position from lying down or sitting to standing position all of a sudden, the blood circulation system to adapt to adversity.
When the dizziness still arise when youre sitting, this is usually because your blood sugar levels decrease. Eat little but often.
If you often feel like fainting to your doctor check your likelihood of anemia.

Stomach cramps
At the beginning of this trimester, you may experience abdominal cramps or menstrual cramps or pain such as that arising stabbed while and do not settle. This often happens and probably due to the growth and enlargement of the uterus where the muscles and ligaments stretch to support the uterus.
The thing to remember when accompanied by abdominal cramps and vaginal bleeding arise, contact your doctor immediately, because both signs are associated with miscarriage.

Do not feel embarrassed if you feel your saliva into a bit excessive, it is common in pregnancy is usually in the pregnant women who experience morning sickness. It usually occurs in the first trimester but rare.
Overcome with a toothbrush or shake your mouth or suck candies containing mint.
Mint is believed to mngurangi saliva.

In the early trimester of pregnancy is also going to be affected emotionally unstable, it is because of hormonal changes and also a new sense of responsibility as a prospective mother.
Overcome: try to find time for yourself, talk to the people closest to your feelings or your doctor.
And fortunately, the body ultimately can gradually adapt to these hormonal changes that make life more beautiful for you

At the end of this first trimester you will find it hard to install fasteners skirt / trousers you. This does not mean an increase in body weight that much - but because your uterus is growing and need the space and its all because of the influence of the hormone estrogen that causes enlargement of the uterus and the hormone progesterone which causes the body to retain water.

Pregnancy Body Changes In the second trimester (13-28 weeks)
In this second trimester your belly will start to look bigger and the outside world will realize that you will be a new mother. Second trimester of pregnancy is considered as the best because you will feel more comfortable now. Your stomach is not too big you can still perform daily activities, where the sense of nausea, fatigue, and other complaints in the first trimester will be lost, even you feel more energetic today.

Some of the changes that occur in the second trimester of pregnancy (13-28 weeks):

STsayaACH getting bigger
After 12 weeks, the uterus enlarges and pass through the pelvic cavity. Enlargement of the uterus will grow about 1 cm per week. At 20 weeks the top of the uterus parallel to the navel (umbilicus). Each individual will vary, but most women will begin to appear enlarged abdomen at 16 weeks gestation.

Belching and flatulence
In this trimester, youll want to dispose of angina or burp / fart at the moment that should not be confused-dont-you do not experience this problem alone.
Saltpeter and dispose of angina is the most common complaints during pregnancy. This is because intestinal merengang and you will feel bloated.
Overcome with do not eat in large amounts will get rid of your bloating and discomfort, and avoid foods that cause a lot of gas such as corn, candy, red onion.

In some pregnant women will be a bit forgetful immersion pregnancy, There are several theories about this because the mothers body continues to work excessively to the development of the baby, giving rise to block the mind.
No need to be affected by this small note-provided fatherly help you. And beristirahalah wherever possible.

Burning sensation or burning lower chest or upper abdomen but no relation to the heart. This is because stomach acid up into the esophagus. These feelings arise in pregnant women in the second trimester, this is because the hormone progesterone that causes increased muscle relaxation of the gastrointestinal tract and also because the growing uterus is pushing the top of the stomach, forcing stomach acid up into the esophagus.
Positive values ​​of muscle relaxation is saluaran digested food movement becomes slower, so more nutrients are absorbed.
Overcome with do not eat in large quantities, especially before going to bed. Stay away from foods that are spicy, oily and greasy. Bedtime elevate the position of your head so that stomach acid can not go up into the esophagus.

Hormonal changes cause the nails will grow stronger and grow your hair grow more and sometimes unwanted places like diwajah or abdomen. But not to worry about undue hair will disappear after the baby is born

ILL in the lower abdomen
At 18-24 weeks of pregnancy you will feel the lower stomach pain like being stabbed or as interested in one or two sides, this is because stretching the ligament and fatherly otor withstand the growing uterus.
Pain only briefly and did not settle.
Overcome by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position.

Dizzy became a frequent complaint during pregnancy second trimester of this can happen when the enlargement of your uterus pressing large blood vessels, causing blood pressure to decrease.
Overcome premises make the shift position of the land slowly or gradually to avoid sudden changes in blood pressure.

Increased blood flow during pregnancy will cause breathlessness and swelling of the mucous membrane that cause snoring during sleep.

Bloody nose and gums
It is also because of increased blood flow during pregnancy. Sometimes also experience nasal obstruction in this case because of hormonal changes.

Brownish lines starting from the navel (umbilicus) to the pubic bone called the linea nigra.
Brown on the face called chloasma or mask of pregnancy, this may be a clue about folic acid.
Stretch marks occur because perengangan excess skin usually on the abdomen and breasts.
As a result of this perengangan your skin can feel itchy.

Will be getting bigger breasts and pulled out a yellowish fluid called colostrum. Nipple and surrounding areas will be more colored dark and large and small spots will arise around the nipple, it is the skin glands ..

Foot cramps
Muscle cramps are caused by a slower blood circulation during pregnancy. Overcome by raising the legs up, drink sufficient calcium. If you get leg cramps when sitting or while sleeping, try to move the toes towards the top.

Swelling LITTLE
Swelling is a normal condition of pregnancy, nearly 40% of pregnant women experience it.
This is because peningkatak hormone that holds the liquid.
In the second trimester of this will seem a little swelling on the face, legs, hands.
This is often due to a sitting or standing too long.

At 15-22 weeks of pregnancy you will start to feel your baby move that initially will feel like a flick, but at the end of this trimester, you will really feel the movement of your baby. In the first-time mothers are often unable to recognize her baby movements until 19-22 weeks.
At 15-22 weeks of pregnancy you will start to feel your baby move that initially will feel like a flick, but at the end of this trimester, you will really feel the movement of your baby. In the first-time mothers are often unable to recognize her baby movements until 19-22 weeks.

Changes in the Body of Pregnant Women On The 3rd Trimester (29-40 Weeks)
In the third trimester is your stomach is enlarged. You will already be preparing for the presence of the new baby in your family. Maybe you will feel the emotional feeling different. Joy to meet your new baby. Maybe you also worry about the health of your baby. You start thinking about childbirth. With the addition of these emotional changes, physical body is also changing at the end of this trimester.

Some of the changes that occur in the third trimester of pregnancy:

Pain in the back, this is because you are increasing burden that you carry the baby in the womb.
Wear low-heeled shoes; Avoid lifting heavy objects; Standing and walking with a straighter back and shoulders; Ask for help to do your homework so you do not have to bend over too often; Wear comfortable mattress.

Discharge from the breast that is colustrum is the first baby food rich in protein.

In the third trimester are constipation also because of the pressure the uterus stricken area in addition to an increase in gut hormone progesterone.
Overcome with fibrous foods fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water, and exercise.

On 33-36 of pregnancy many pregnant women will feel it hard to breathe because of the pressure diaphragm infants who were brought suppress maternal lung.
But after the babys head has dropped into the pelvic cavity is usually at 2-3 weeks before delivery in mothers who first become pregnant then you will feel relieved and breathe more easily. There was also a burning sensation chest (heart burn) usually also missing. Because of the reduced pressure of the babys body parts under the mothers ribs.

Frequent urination
Enlargement of the uterus and when the babys head down into the pelvic cavity will further suppress your bladder.

After your big belly and your baby kicking at night you will find it difficult to sleep soundly. Try to adjust your sleeping position.

Varicose veins
Increased blood volume and flow during pregnancy will put pressure on the pelvic area and veins in the legs, which causes the veins stand out.
And at the end of pregnancy the babys head will also suppress venous pelvic area.
Varicose veins are also influenced by hereditary factors.
Lift your feet up when resting or sleeping; Wear pants or socks that can support you, wear in the morning and release when you go to bed; Do not stand or sit too long, try to walk around.

Braxton-Hicks contractions or false contractions. Contraction of mild pain, irregular, and lost when you sit or rest
Babys growth will increase pressure on the feet and your ankles, swollen hands sometimes too. This is called edema, is caused by hormonal changes that cause fluid retention.

Leg Cramps
This often occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy and 3, and is usually associated with changes in circulation, foot pressure on the nerve or due to low levels of calcium.

Increased vaginal discharge during pregnancy is normal. Fluid is usually clear, in early pregnancy is usually rather thick and close to delivery more fluid.
The important thing is to keep your hygiene.
Contact your doctor if liquid smelly, itchy, sore.

While the development of the baby from month to month I through IX, the following I will try to find info about the development of the baby during the nine month period:
Month I
In the first month, sometimes you do not feel any symptoms of pregnancy. Some people even do not know that pregnancy has occurred. On the other, there may be some changes that can be perceived as a start to tighten breasts, nausea and vomiting.

Your baby is currently in the embryonic stage. Organ formation began to occur. Brain, spine, heart and respiratory system begin to form. Today is a pretty critical time for childrens development. Various abnormalities can occur, for example when the neural tube fails to close, there were circumstances in which the baby has no head.

Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor when you are planning to become pregnant.

Month II
Your weight might be? began to grow and you start to feel tired. Do not worry. It is perfectly natural. Good nutrition is very important to note. Avoid sports that are too heavy.

What about the little guy? At present arms, hands, feet and fingers begin to form. Internal organs such as liver and stomach began to grow. Little heart was already beating. And his size is only about 2 cm only. Extraordinary is not it?

Month III
Your clothes begin to narrow? Well, thats a good sign. So get ready to buy clothes that are more lax. Do you still feel nauseated. As long as you do not need to worry excessively. Nausea is a sign that your pregnancy hormone is quite good. But generally at the end of the third trimester, the nausea had already started to decrease.

At the end of the third month, the length of your baby has reached about 12 cm and weighs approximately 40 grams. Yes still small. Even so, his hands and feet have started to move you know. Nail began to grow. But, do not expect you can feel the movement at this time.

Sexual organs begin to form at this time. Urinary tract has been developed and functioning.

Month IV
Well, hopefully the nausea has not bother you anymore. Even so, the nausea is still felt by some women. Month IV is the month where most people begin to realize that you are pregnant the baby (without being told before).

Little is now increasingly getting bigger. Its length has been reached antara19 and 25 cm. His movements began to be felt by the mother, especially in those who already had experienced a previous pregnancy.

Month V
At this time the movement of your baby should be able to feel. If not, do not be too disappointed. The important thing is always to consult a doctor on a regular basis to determine the health of your babys birth.

The length of a childs body now ranges between 25 and 30 cm. Well, hes already big. His face, including eyes, nose, ears and mouth, perfectly formed. If her hair was still just beginning to grow. Do not forget to hear the songs that you like. Better still a classic song. According to research, classical music can enhance brain development of children.

Month VI
Do not forget good nutrition yes. This month and next months is the period in which your baby is growing by leaps and bounds. A good nutritional intake from the time before pregnancy to breastfeeding will affect your babys development.

In this month your baby already has a length between 30 and 35 cm. Shes got it? Ngedot? lho thumb. Funny yes. Her eyes began to open. Maybe he can not wait to see the world outside it.

Sexual organs is well established, only need a little more time to perfected. If you are interested to know, ask your doctor to perform an ultrasound. Just keep in mind that the main purpose is to monitor the babys ultrasound the babys health and not just to find out the gender.

Month VII
Quick start to feel tired, swollen feet? It is natural. Raising the legs when lying down (eg by using pillows to prop) can help. Even so, do not forget to consult with your doctor. There are some circumstances in which the swelling a sign that something unusual might happen.

The length of your baby now ranges between 38 and 40 cm. His ability was already growing. He is now able to see light and hear sounds better. Encourage your husband to talk with your child as if he was outside. Good communication between father and child can be formed even in the womb.

Oh yes, do not forget to prepare for your big day. Prepare all your baby needs at birth later. Begin planning and if necessary start shopping. Buy according to needs, not because of mere interest. Do not waste your money on unnecessary things, unless your financial situation is very possible. Remember, many of which should you buy when your child is present in the world.

Month VIII
Your belly grew along with the rapid growth of the tiny. Kick may start to feel stabbing and suffocating. Enjoy it, because it is where you can channel your affection for him. Precisely when he did not move much, you should be worried and immediately contact a doctor.

Month IX
Finally, the awaited moon arrived. Be prepared to welcome the worlds tiny. Currently the length of the little ones can reach between 45 and 54 cm. The process of growth and maturation of various organs in the final stages. Little is now ready to play with you in the world.

Beware of discharge or spotting from your vagina. Maybe it is amniotic fluid began to seep out. False contractions began to emerge that people often mistakenly assume that the time of delivery was near. However, do not hesitate to go to the hospital if you feel while giving birth is almost here. If it was not, anyway you can get back to the house.

Congratulations on your little presence in your home. May he be a light of happiness for you and your family.

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