Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Causes of stomach fat that should be avoided

Many are concerned with the distended stomach, ranging from reduced self-confidence and a sense of being uncomfortable. Many things are also being done to shrink the belly fat, but not necessarily all be managed on How To Shrink Stomach. State of belly fat is not without cause, all that happens is because of our lifestyle that is slightly less good / healthy.

There are many things that can cause a distended stomach, here are some causes.
Eating or snacking at night
For those who like eating or snacking at night, you should immediately eliminate this habit. At night we usually little activity so few calories also used. Accumulated calories from foods or snacks will cause stomach to be distended.
1. Alcohol
Calories and sugar in alcohol nearly equaled fatty foods. Alcohol can make the heart work harder to neutralize them, so that sugar should be left unturned and accumulate filtered.
2. Sitting Too Long
For those of us who work at the office and used to sit a long time can cause a distended abdomen, poor posture (leaning forward too) will make a belly pressing forward.
3. Junk Food
Fast food / fast food / junk food we consume is the usual source of the fat and calories. Calories and fat accumulating increasingly distended stomach.
4. After sleeping Eat
Never go to sleep after eating. During sleep our bodies do not perform any activity so that the process of digestion is not optimal. New food eaten, would not be well digested that can make a belly.
5. No / Rarely Sports
In addition to health, exercise is also very important to ensure that the body remains proportional. With less exercise will make the body accumulate fat in the abdomen, causing distended.
6. Foods containing gas
We need that there are foods that can produce gas, such as potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, coffee, soft drinks. With the abundance of gas content in the stomach will make bloated and distended abdomen.
7. Delaying eating
We sometimes delay time due to busy eating that can not be abandoned. With telatnya eat, will make us very hungry and consume excess food.

Many bad habits that we do without us knowing it can cause stomach became distended. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle and regular become very important in the body condition and health.

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