Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Home remedies for kidney stones

Usually, people with kidney stones experience sharp, sudden pain in the left or right flank or back. However you can reduce symptoms by using some natural home remedies
Kidney stones
The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. The kidneys help to detox and filter impurities from the blood, as well as waste products from your urine. Kidney stones form when the kidneys are not able to process toxins efficiently. Specifically, a crystallization of unprocessed minerals builds up.

Unhealthy food intake is a primary cause of kidney stones. Cut down on the amount of soda and energy drinks you consume. Avoid processed foods and alcoholic beverages. Add more fruits and veggies to your diet. Other common Causes of Kidney stones include

  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Overdoses of Vitamin D
  • Mineral imbalance
  • Kidney disease
  • Dehydration
  • Gout
Most of the cases of kidney stones can be treated successfully with the help of natural ingredients. These natural treatments are safe and effective and at the same time they do not have any side effects.

Natural home remedies for kidney stones

1) Drink plenty of water
Increasing your fluid intake should be your first step (and may be the only step needed) toward staying free of kidney stones. Six to eight 8-ounce glasses is the minimum amount you should drink every day. Thus, the color of your urine will become clear like water which is a good sign. It is recommended to drink mineral water as it is free of sediments. Mineral water will help in reducing the concentrations of calcium and uric acid from the urine, thus making it less alkaline in nature. At the same time mineral water will not allow the kidney stone to increase in size.

2) Lemon juice remedy
This is one of the most effective remedies for kidney stones and the pain they cause. At the first symptom of stone pain, mix 2 oz of organic olive oil with 2 oz of organic lemon juice. Drink it straight and follow with a 12 ounce glass of purified water. Wait 30 minutes. Then, squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon into 12 ounces of purified water, add 1 tablespoon of organic raw apple cider vinegar and drink. Repeat the lemon juice, water and apple cider vinegar recipe every hour until symptoms improve.

3) Kidney beans
Take 60 gm kidney beans, add 4 L of water, heat for 4-5 hr Strain the liquid through a fine muslin cloth, allow the liquid to cool, drink 1 glass of this liquid once every 2 hr in a day, do this for a week, do not use the liquid or the beans again 24 hr after the 1st preparation.

 4) Dandelion root tea
Organic dandelion root is a great kidney tonic and cleanser. Taking up to 500 mg twice a day may be beneficial. You can also drink dandelion root tea.

5) Nettle leaf 
The nettle leaf helps in maintaining the flow of water through the kidneys and bladder, thus promoting smooth urination. It also prevents the crystals from forming into stones and keeps the bacteria away. You must drink two to three cups of nettle tea daily. To make this herbal tea, take two tablespoons of dried nettle leaf and add it to a cup of hot water. Steep for ten minutes and then strain it before drinking the tea. Nettle tea will also enhance the benefits of water by acting as natural diuretics. 

6) Whole wheat bread
A couple slices of whole-wheat bread contain a good amount of magnesium, a mineral known for averting stones. One study found that people who got an adequate amount of magnesium stopped getting kidney stones altogether.

7) Basil Leaves
The basil is regarded as a tonic for the kidneys and thus it is good for the overall health of kidneys. Those suffering from kidney stones must take one teaspoon of basil juice and mix it with equal amount of honey and have it daily in the morning for five to six months. or Basil tea can be taken throughout the day for overall kidney health. If you have kidney stones, try taking one teaspoon each of basil juice with raw honey daily for up to six months. It’s believed that folk remedies with pure basil juice can help induce stone expulsion from the urinary tract.

8) Pomegranate
The seeds and juice of pomegranates can be considered another natural remedy for kidney stones. This may be related to their sourness and astringent properties. You may eat organic pomegranates or drink freshly-squeezed pomegranate juice. In other way you can take one tablespoon of pomegranate seeds and then grind it to make a fine paste. Now take this paste along with a cup of horse gram soup once daily. This remedy will help in dissolving the gravel in kidneys.

9) Chicken
The B vitamins, specifically vitamin B6, are well-known stone fighters. Vitamin B6 keeps the body from building up excess oxalate. Too much oxalate is a major factor in kidney stone formation. Three ounces of chicken provide more than one-third of your daily needs.

10) Celery Juice
Celery in vegetable form and celery seed are great urine-promoters and kidney tonics. Regular use of celery seed, as a spice or as a tea, may prevent kidney stone formation. A glass of raw celery juice can help in getting relief from the pain due to its antiseptic properties. Celery juice helps in clearing the toxins that causes the formation of kidney stones. At the same time raw celery juice is a diuretic, which means it can help the stone to break down. 

11) Water melon
Water melon contains potassium which helps in regulating and maintaining the level of acid present in urine. Along with potassium, watermelon also contains highest concentration of water which helps in flushing out stones from the kidneys. Regular consumption of water melon can help a lot in the treatment as well as prevention of kidney stones

12) figs
Boil two figs in a cup of water. Drink this first thing in the morning for one month.

Kidney stones are one of the most painful disorders that affect humans. The pain from a kidney stone can often be sudden, sharp, and unbearable. For some people, the pain is as excruciating as giving birth. For others, the pain is terrible, but is more tolerable. 

So here are some preventive steps for you to keep that pain at bay......


Drink more fluids. You need to drink at least 1 1/2 to 2 quarts of fluid a day to dilute your urine to discourage stone formation. If your tap water has a high mineral content (i.e., you have hard water), drink bottled water or filter the tap water. Some of the liquid can be in the form of diluted juices, especially cranberry juice, lemonade, orange juice, or weak tea, all of which help make your urine more acidic. If you can find it, try black currant juice. Stay away from grapefruit juice, however; there’s some evidence it might increase your risk of stones. And stop drinking sodas. The phosphoric acid in carbonated drinks can increase your risk of stones.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. They’re a great source of a nutrient called phytate, and one major study from Harvard found that the more phytate in women’s diets, the fewer kidney stones they developed. However, avoid foods high in oxalates such as spinach and other dark greens, rhubarb, and beets.

Consume more dietary calcium. It sounds counterintuitive, but the more calcium you eat, the less oxalic acid you absorb from food and the less likely you are to develop stones.

Limit salt and sugar, which increase the amount of oxalic acid your body absorbs.
Get 10 to 15 grams of wheat bran (about 1/2 ounce) a day. It decreases the risk of additional stones in people who have already had a calcium oxalate stone.

Lose weight. Being overweight significantly increases your risk of stones.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Fatty acids could aid cancer prevention and treatment

Omega-3 fatty acids, contained in oily fish such as salmon and trout, selectively inhibit growth and induce cell death in early and late-stage oral and skin cancers, according to new research from scientists at Queen Mary, University of London.

In vitro tests showed omega-3 fatty acids induced cell death in malignant and pre-malignant cells at doses which did not affect normal cells, suggesting they have the potential to be used in both the treatment and prevention of certain skin and oral cancers. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids cannot be made by humans in large quantities and so we must acquire them from our diet.

The scientists were studying a particular type of cancer called squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC). Squamous cells are the main part of the outermost layers of the skin, and SCC is one of the major forms of skin cancer. However, squamous cells also occur in the lining of the digestive tract, lungs, and other areas of the body. Oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) are the sixth most common cancer worldwide and are difficult and very expensive to treat.

In the experiments, the scientists grew cell cultures in the lab from several different cells lines to which they added fatty acids. The cell lines included both malignant oral and skin SCCs, along with pre-malignant cells and normal skin and oral cells. Professor Kenneth Parkinson, Head of the Oral Cancer Research Group at Queen Marys Institute of Dentistry, said: "We found that the omega-3 fatty acid selectively inhibited the growth of the malignant and pre-malignant cells at doses which did not affect the normal cells.

"Surprisingly, we discovered this was partly due to an over-stimulation of a key growth factor (epidermal growth factor) which triggered cell death. This is a novel mechanism of action of these fatty acids."

While previous research has linked omega-3 fatty acids with the prevention of a number of cancers, there has been very little work done on oral cancers or normal cells.

Dr Zacharoula Nikolakopoulou, carried out the research while studying her PhD at Queen Mary, under the supervision of Professor Parkinson and Professor Adina Michael-Titus, who is co-ordinating a programme of work on the protection of the nervous system with omega-3 fatty acids, in the Centre for Neuroscience and Trauma at Queen Marys Blizard Institute.

Dr Nikolakopoulou said: "As the doses needed to kill the cancer cells do not affect normal cells, especially with one particular fatty acid we used called Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), there is potential for using omega-3 fatty acids in the prevention and treatment of skin and oral cancers.

"It may be that those at an increased risk of such cancers - or their recurrence - could benefit from increased omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, as the skin and oral cancers are often easily accessible, there is the potential to deliver targeted doses locally via aerosols or gels. However further research is needed to define the appropriate therapeutic doses."

The research is published online in the journal Carcinogenesis.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Health news headlines this week

Heres a quick roundup from the news headlines in the health pages this week.

Baldness cure on the cards? The Telegraph reports that a treatment could be available within a couple of years. This will no doubt arouse a great amount of interest - well follow the story as it happens.

Rise in diabetes. Its being reported this week that Scotlands diabetes rates continue to increase, with nearly quarter of a million people suffering from the condition - or 4.7% of the population.

The effect of sickness absence from work has also been making the news, with a recent survey indicating that only just over half of employers believing theyre "well equipped" to deal with the problem. Being well equipped isnt defined in this context but presumably the better equipped employers will have a health and wellbeing strategy, provide group medical insurance, EAPs and so on.

The Guardian posits an interesting theory today regarding Obamacare - namely that the Presidents affordable care act will mean the US being short of doctors - tens of thousands of them. This is because so many currently uninsured Americans will have access to healthcare. So the possibility, according to the story, is that the US shortfall could be made up in part by UK doctors leaving for jobs across the pond. Which could then cause a shortage here.

And thats all from us just now. If you have any comments on the above stories, then please leave us a comment - wes love to hear from you!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Finding My True Hope My Adventures at Stanford Medicine X

This is the fourth of a series of blog posts in which I will recount my adventures at Stanfords Medicine X, Conference: An experience which has changed my life, and I will not soon forget. :-) 

Patients learn to develop a strong voice. We have to... There are a lot of other voices, and interests, competing to be heard, and some, outright wanting to talk right over us. So, often times, a patient rises up above... and becomes an advocate: one who learns, and becomes an expert in their condition, as well as teaches others to self empower themselves, and keep going. As a part of that, it follows that the advocate will also seek to change their environment, change minds, and change the system as a whole. In that way, were like a computer virus, really. We will never stop until weve re-written it all.  

Despite this same mission, advocacy comes with different voices, and we all get to choose that voice. I suppose... 

Though, when you have lost someone you love to chronic illness, I dont think you have much of a choice in what your voice will be. If youve worn gloves to help prevent infection for your fathers in-home dialysis treatments... then, well... you no longer wear gloves much, if at all, when it comes to advocating for his needs, or the needs of someone else to follow in his journey. 

This might make us seem a little emotional, a little "Type A personality," a little pushy, a little obsessed, and perhaps... a little ANGRY. 

So, I dont want my dear readers to assume the worst from my Day 2, at Medicine X, either about myself, or about the conference. The reality is that my exchange on Day 2 is what makes Medicine X so unique, and wonderful, and freeing. Why, you ask? Why is someone talking down at me such a freeing thing? 

Well, the answer should be self evident: because I was allowed to talk back. Yes, I, THE patient... was allowed to have a conversation, to contest or ute, and to make a point. And for as much as I love other conferences, youre not going to find that at a TED talk. 

You dont need anyone to talk AT you -- youre an adult, and not a child. Youre a being with as much critical thinking, and life experience, as anyone else holding a different type of educational background, or expertise. Honestly, there wouldnt even be any medicine without you... for YOU are the patient. And throughout MedX there were all sorts of folks expressing their various concerns, and input -- from Susannah Foxs now famous Thats my research, and thats not how I chose to interpret my data, to your regular advocate questioning potential overquantification and privacy issues, to well, my now famous comment. 

Medicine X is not a place for people to be perfect -- everyone will have their biases, or their ignorance, or their differences of opinion or data interpretation. This is in no way a bad lection of the people who organize Medicine X, or of any of the participants, speakers, or guests, really. Nor is it a bad thing, at all. Medicine X is a place to have a CONVERSATION... and conversations bring outcomes, and education. Which brings me to... 

Day 3: The Doctors of Tomorrow... Today 

"Physicians are no longer the sole gatekeepers of validated health information ... The role of providers is evolving almost as quickly as technology. Value is no longer just knowing the right answers, but asking the right questions. And specifically, asking the right questions at the right time, the right place, to get the desired outcomes ... We are witnessing the evolution of value from content to context." -- Bassam Kadry, MD, Kadry Foundation, Stanford University, on the process and the whys of looking for new startups, and emerging technologies.

One of the most precious things I took away from Medicine X is that there are also other types of advocates: clinician advocates. The people who provide you with medical care, also tired of the state of affairs of their industry, and wanting to change their OWN landscape. Clinicians who understand that they are often, patients themselves. Or moms. Or voices for change, seeking to change the minds and views of their fellow peers, and embrace the new face of medical care. Doctors who understand that they no longer hold a monopoly on medical data.
Yes, thats right. 

Just like you and I... people who want to see change happen in how medical data is dealt with, how people are handled, how we all benefit from the system, and how well we all LEARN and make decisions together -- there are many, many, invested clinicians out there, who want to work hard to change the system. (And many of them work in boards, and foundations, who make conferences such as Medicine X happen.)

In the beginning, I thought "well, Medicine X is a conference about technology, and the bettering of medicine and patient outreach through technology..." but I was wrong. You see, it isnt just that... Its a lot more than that. Medicine X is a REAL coming together of PEOPLE: patients, clinicians, researchers, academicians, innovators, programmers and silicon valley entrepreneurs, investors, etc. People with various hats, who make a giant think tank (and without all the noise in the middle from all the bureaucratic machines), and embracing their most creative self, seek to DO something about the problems... WITH technology. Thats all it is. Thinking outside the box, with the new tools we have... and some cool music, and lights. :-) 

And it was so much fun! 

There were many sessions, some very hands on, and some going on at the same time in separate rooms, and I kind of wish I could have cloned myself to go to all of them. But hey, thats the beauty of technology, right? I learned about some of them through peoples tweets, or through peoples blogs... or through videos. Couldnt have done that as efficiently in 2002. 

My mind was reshed and renewed with the beauty of other peoples minds, and ideas... and it will be, for years to come, thanks to livestream. (If you havent caught on, I have linked every "Day" subheading" to its corresponding livestream link.) 

I love an analogy put forth by Esther Dyson (who spoke to me, and about my little comment, at Med X --  and it was quite an honor, really...) in which she discusses the breaking up of AT&T by the government. In essence, when AT&T was broken up, it really didnt fix the problem -- it only created a handful of other telephone companies, with (arguably) similar power. Instead, what really brought these companies to their knees was, what? NEW TECHNOLOGY. The wireless phone. Or otherwise, changing the rules. You take away their monopoly of data, and you get to redo the system. 

Itll be much the same with the medical industry. When we get together, and embrace the tools before us -- and how we tackle medical care and patient approaches -- we will get to rebuild that WHOLE puzzle, the way we wanted to from the beginning. The future is now, really. Its inevitable. 

... And in case you want to know, the speaker who I addressed with my little comment was very receptive, and very polite. I am sure he will choose his methods more wisely, next time. (No, he was not an evil troll. Please forgive him. I have.) 

So... if I had to sum up my time at Med X, I could tell you that: 
  • I was a lost villager... 
  • Who found herself accepted for her self quantification... 
  • And hence, found her patient voice and courage, 
  • Leading to a true HOPE in her advocacy efforts.
I will try to share more, as I have time, on all the various technologies I learned. Maybe even arm wrestle someone into a guest blog post, or something. :-) But I want to personally thank everyone... for taking the time to read through my various blog posts, and ramblings. My life at Med X observations, if you would.  

I may be the angry woman who writes about diabetes, but you folks make me the advocate that I am. I am indebted to all of you, and the wonderful people who gave me the opportunity of a lifetime to be a part of something big, at an institution such as Stanford University.

I will not... not ever... not soon. Never forget. ;-) 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Facts About Hops Alcohol and Your Beer Belly

The relationship between beer consumption and belly fat has been noticed since centuries. Yet, our modern doctors and nutritionists are still regarding alcoholic beverages as ordinary foods and sources of calories. Alcohol’s calorie content is, in fact the only visible tip of the iceberg. Relaying solely on calorie charts used in cutting-edge calorie-counter softwares and websites to evaluate the effect of wine, beer or hard liquors on belly fat syndrome, is not a sufficient option.
Actually, brewski hinders your body’s ability to burn fat in several ways:

Alcohol is a source of unwanted empty calories:

Each gram of Ethanol, aka Alcohol, contains seven calories; these are called empty calories, which means that your body doesn’t burn any calorie while “digesting” alcohol.
This being said, a single small beer contains 150 empty calories, this is roughly the equivalent of 15 min of jogging. Remember! The calorific effect is only the visible part of our iceberg.

Alcohol can hamper dramatically fat oxidation process:

Human body uses stored fat as a primarily source of fuel, especially during sleep and mild physical activities. However, whenever ethanol is available, it is rapidity converted to Acetaldehyde then eventually to Acetate. The body shut down fat oxidation and starts using Acetate as its primarily fuel. Some studies have shown that a dose as small as two shots of vodka, is able to shut down the whole body oxidation by 73% for several hours!

Alcohol intake leads to androgen deficiency in men

Acetylaldehyde, a product of alcohol metabolism, affects interstitial cells of Leydig by lowering considerably their ability to produce testosterone; a highly important hormone for gaining muscles, losing fat and male reproductive health. Alcohol also affects testosterone level in a different approach; it does this by hindering the P450 liver enzymes’ normal functions. The liver ceases breaking down estrogen molecules which increases estrogen levels in blood stream, theore lowering testosterone level. If you are yearning to ditch that fat tummy for ever, try to cut-down or avoid completely alcohol consumption.

Hops: a “wicked and pernicious weed” in your beer

If you are a crazy beer lover like I was, you must be certainly acquainted with the wonderful relaxing effect of hops. As soon as I would sip my first beer, all tensions and jitters would vaporize completely in a matter of seconds. Hops, also known as Humulus lupulus, is a powerful herb against anxiety, it has also a strong sedative effect. Lots of home fires, SPA home drowning accidents and other types of such misfortunes are caused solely by the sedative effect of this beer additive.
Hops has also another catastrophic drawback; its effect on testosterone is even worse than alcohol itself. It is considered, the most potent anti-testosterone consumed plant par excellence. Due to its high phytoestrogen content, and just by its olfactory propriety, hops was known to cause menstrual cramps, as well as irregularities in the menstrual cycles of women working in hops field. In men it affects testosterone production, libido, fat gut and man boobs.
For that matter, hops was dubbed “wicked and pernicious weed” and was banned for a period of time in England during the 16th century. Today, hops is mainly used as a beer additive and also as a main ingredient of breast enlargement pills.
Not only both alcohol and hops cause androgen deficiency in men but they are also strong appetizers and lead to overeating. I’m sorry to say this, but I have to say it: I really think any man whose wish is to ditch his beer belly, and by the way increase his virility, should stop consuming beer altogether.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

How to treat headache naturally

Work stress, family demands, skimpy sleep schedules—everyday stresses can give us all a headache every now and then. Headache is among the most common medical complaints. The majority of them are not life threatening and can be treated effectively by natural remedies at home

More than 47 million Americans have experienced a severe or debilitating headache in the past three months. Migraines alone affect 9% of the U.S. population and costs $1 billion a year in direct medical expenses.

Whether theyre mild annoyances or skull-crushing distractions. The pain of a headache can make your day-to-day life miserable, and can forces you to head straight for the aspirin. When you take over-the-counter pain killers they will just ease your symptoms for time being, but can wreak a havoc on your body by ignoring the real issue of what triggers the headache. 

However, natural remedies for headaches may take a bit more thought than simply popping a pill, but you’re less likely to become so dependent on them that you need them for every little ache like prescription drugs.

Home remedies to get rid of headache

1) Drink Water 
It is a good idea to drink about eight to ten glasses of water throughout the day to keep your body well hydrated. Dehydration can lead to a headache, especially if youve vomited recently or youre hungover. Drink a tall glass of water as soon as your head starts to hurt, and you should gradually feel the pain start to ease. Try to continue drinking small sips throughout the day. 

2) Try Relaxation to Ease Headache Pain
Our lives are fast paced, busy, and filled with stress. Our overworked minds and bodies react to this by tensing and knotting up muscles, usually in the upper back, neck, and shoulders. Thanks to a little something called erred pain-pain felt in an area other than where the actual painful stimulus is-we end up with tension-type headaches. Try some of the following tips to get relief.

For the purposes of headache relief or prevention, you can try p
rogressive relaxation technique by alternately tensing and then releasing the tension in each muscle or muscle group from one end of your body to the other. Focus on the muscles from your forehead to your shoulders. 

Purposely tense the specific muscle or group as tightly as you can, hold the tension for a few seconds, and finally release the tension, allowing the muscle to slowly relax. Then proceed to the next muscle or group and repeat. Try the following steps:
  • Scrunch up, then release, your forehead muscles (or furrow your brow).
  • Squeeze your eyes tightly closed, then open them slowly.
  • Make a wide smile, then allow it to fade.
  • Clench your jaw, then relax it.
  • Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, then let it fall back down.
  • Press your lips together tightly, then relax.
  • Press your head against the floor or the back of the chair, then relax.
  • Shrug your shoulders, bringing your shoulders up as close to your ears as you can, then let them fall. 
If you have additional time, you can proceed all the way down to your toes, for a whole-body relaxation exercise. Be sure to breathe slowly and deeply throughout the exercise

3) Apply peppermint oil
Peppermint oil has a wonderfully soothing effect when you’re suffering from a headache, easing the discomfort and clearing your mind. People who use it find that it works quickly to relieve pain. Peppermint oil helps open and close the vessels that promote blood flow and quickly reduce the pain from a headache.

Massage the peppermint oil onto your temples, the back of your jaw, and forehead. You will feel a cooling sensation upon applying it. Breathe deeply, and if possible, find a quiet place to relax and sip some cool water. If you have sensitive skin and find that it irritates it, try diluting it with a bit of olive oil or water.

4) Ginger
Ginger can help reduce inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache. Simply sip a nice steaming cup of ginger-root tea and relax while you wait for your headache to ease up. or
  • You can boil ginger powder or raw ginger in water, and inhale the vapor.
  • Another option is to chew one or two pieces of crystallized ginger candy.
  • Mix equal parts of ginger juice and lemon juice. Consume it once or twice.
  • Another remedy, apply a paste of one teaspoon dry ginger powder and two tablespoons of water on the forehead.
5) Basil
Basil works as a muscle relaxant, making it a helpful treatment for headaches caused by tension and tight muscles. Put some fresh basil leaves in a cup of boiling water, let it sit for a few minutes and then sip the tea slowly. For mild headaches, you can chew some fresh basil leaves or massage your head with pure basil oil.

6) Apple cider vinegar (ACV)
If you find yourself coming down with a throbbing headache, try getting some quality ACV time into your day in the form of a steam-style treatment. Pour ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar into a large bowl, and then fill the bowl halfway with boiling water. Place a towel over your head so that it drapes over the bowl, trapping the steam, and hold your face over it. 

Keep distance to avoid burns.Do this for 5-10 minutes, or when the water starts to cool down, breathing in and out deeply the whole time. When you’re done, use the towel to pat your face dry, and go drink a glass of cool water.

7) Avoid MSG
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is added to food to enhance its flavor. It is derived from an amino acid, called glutamic acid, which occurs naturally in various foods. Many people who suffer headaches find that foods containing MSG triggers migraines or other types of headaches, possibly due to the fact that it excites our neurons. Make sure you read food labels to check if the product has MSG, the FDA is requires companies to list it, however it can also be hidden as a component of other ingredients. Click here for more info on MSG.

8) Improve posture
Many of us spend our days working in an office or sitting down at a computer with little to no movement, and many of us are guilty of poor posture. We slouch, slump, and hunch forward, which strains our muscles and creates nasty headaches.

Improving your posture can make all the difference in the world when it comes to tension-type headaches. Make a conscious effort to sit up tall but relaxed, with your shoulders back, your chest open, and your neck not sticking too far forward. Working on strengthening core muscles helps a lot with posture, since balance and the strength to support ourselves properly comes from mostly from our center.

Be informed, If you get frequent headaches, try to tease out the factors that seem to be responsible. Get a notebook and keep track of your headaches. Record details about potential headache triggers. Did you use medications that contain hormones, such as oral contraceptives? Now look for patterns by connecting days when you had bad headaches with these factors. This information may help you avoid triggers and can also help your physician devise a better treatment plan.

Also, There are a number of natural remedies that might work to treat your headache. As with any natural remedy, always know the side effects and allergy potential of the remedy, as well as the contra-indications, such as not using when pregnant, sick, etc.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Top Ten Links of the Week 9 10 10 9 16 10

1) Food Politics: This Is Good News? UN Says 925 million People Are Chronically Hungry
2) NY Times: Ranks of Hungry Shrink, but Remain Large
Ten years after the world’s wealthiest nations promised to reduce hunger by half in 15 years, there has been .5% decrease in the number of hungry people around the globe. But experts say the situation is not hopeless. “While all the movement in terms of aid is in the right direction, [Jacques Diouf, the director general of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization] said, the pace needs to be accelerated.”

3) Food Politics: Corn Refiners Ask FDA to Replace “HFCS” with “Corn Sugar”
Big Corn wants a little rebranding for HFCS, I see. Be sure to check out Marion Nestle’s reader updates on the etymology of corn syrup’s moniker. It shows how susceptible we are and always have been to marketing.

4) Lifehacker: Budweiser, Balsamic Vinegar and How Expectations Affect Our Views
Hold up! We fall for marketing because of brain science. Behavioral economics professor, Dan Ariely, explains how our brains use information to make decisions and form opinions with a fascinating experiment with Boston students as his lab monkeys. My guess is the balsamic was a improvement on a classic.

5) The Minimalist: The Food Processor: A Virtuoso One-Man Band
Mark Bittman dedicates a love song to his food processor. Tonight, I’m going sprinkle some rose petals around the kitchen, turn down the lights, and put on some soft music while my Cuisinart and I make sweet, sweet poblano hummus.

6)Chow: How Do You Get Rid of Fruit Flies?
7)Lifehacker: Capture Fruit Flies with a Cup and Apple Cider Vinegar
Dueling fruit fly remedies: which one works best? You be the decider.

8) Science Daily: Only 5% of Americans Engage in Vigorous Physical Activity on Any Given Day
The report also states, “The most frequently reported moderate activity was food and drink preparation.” If we’re not exercising, at least we’re cooking.

9) The Kitchn: Best Way to Keep Greens Fresh? The Bath Towel Method
I can’t wait to try this. My tried-and true-salad spinner just bit the dust, and I’ve been enjoying the space it vacated.

10) Chow: Hazmat Investigates Exploding Sauerkraut
High school science class gets explosivo and requires a visit from HazMat. What was the most fun you ever had in science class?


Food Politics: Department of Talmudic Investigation: Define Candy
For the love of taxes, someone has to draw the line between candy and cookies. The differential ingredient is flour, but as you might guess, it’s not that simple.

Jezebel: The World’s Smallest Cow
Jezebel: Worlds Tallest Dog Meets Smallest Dog
A banner week for cute and extremely sized animals!

NY Times Diner’s Journal: The Baker’s Apprentice: Peach or Apple Pie
Food writer Emily Weinstein gets a pie-making lesson from Sarabeth Levine of New York’s Sarabeth’s Kitchen. Luckily for us, she shares what she learned.

NYTimes The Curious Cook: For Old Fashioned Flavor: Bake the Baking Soda
Mmm...apparently lye makes good pretzels as well as soap and drain cleaner. Or just use toasted baking soda.

Unplugged: 3 Tips for Efficiently Stocking the Fridge
via The Kitchn
Save money on food and electricity with these oh-duh reminders.

There I Fixed It: So Is this Food Full of Iron?
Brilliant! Where was this hack during No Stove Month?


National Maritime Museum: Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2010

Lets feel small together.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

10 Benefits of magical strawberry for health

10 Benefits of magical strawberry for health - Who does not know the strawberry? Cute pieces that look beautiful and make saliva dripping. Although small, this fruit is called as Queen of fruits you know! The reason is because strawberries contain many nutrients and health benefits.

What are the benefits of magic strawberries for health? Heres the list, as reported by Best Health.

1. Boost immunity

Strawberry is the best source of vitamin C. Two bowls of strawberries a day alone can satisfy the bodys vitamin C requirement. Vitamin C is known as an immune system enhancer and antioxidant good for fighting disease. Plus, the antioxidants in strawberry fruit is different from others because the antioxidants work more quickly and be ready in the bloodstream.

2. Maintaining eye health

Antioxidants in strawberries are also effective to prevent cataracts can lead to blindness in old age. Eyes need vitamin C to keep them from free radical sun. In addition, strawberries can also strengthen the cornea and the retina of the eye. Although the study never reveal that excess vitamin C actually increase the risk of cataracts in the elderly, but this does not apply vitamin C in strawberry bag.

3. Ward off cancer
Antioxidants in strawberries also help prevent cancer. Chemical called ellagic acid found in strawberries is erred to as an anti-cancer agent that can suppress the growth of cancer cells. In addition, other antioxidants such as lutein and zeathancins can also ward off free radicals and protect the health of the cell.

4. Preventing wrinkles
Not only good for your health, strawberries are also good for skin health. indirectly, strawberries also make you more beautiful. This fruit helps improve the elasticity of the skin so that it can prevent the appearance of wrinkles and make you look younger. Ellagic acid in strawberries can protect the collagen in mind that is not easily damaged and prevents inflammation of the skin.

5. Fight bad cholesterol

Based on the Heart and Stroke Foundation, heart disease is one of the most deadly diseases for women. Fortunately strawberries also contain substances that can improve heart health and lowering cholesterol. In addition, strawberry also prevent inflammation which indirectly also protect the heart. To that end, strawberries fit for consumption and included in the diet if you have problems with cholesterol.

6. Reducing inflammation

Antioxidants and chemical found in strawberries may reduce inflammation in the joints that can lead to arthritis and can lead to heart disease. A study at the Harvard School of Public Health showed that women who ate at least 16 strawberries per week had a 14 percent lower likelihood becomes inflamed.

7. Keeping blood pressure

Potassium in strawberries are known to maintain blood pressure levels, and even lower high blood pressure. If you have a problem with high blood pressure, there is no harm in eating strawberries regularly. One bowl of strawberry can contain 134 milligrams of potassium to keep blood pressure.

8. Digestion

Strawberry also contains fiber which is good for smooth digestion. Strawberry contains at least two grams of fiber per dose. Eating strawberries can prevent constipation and inflammation of the intestine. In addition, as well as the strawberry can also prevent type 2 diabetes because it slows the digestive process and absorption of sugar in the blood.

9. Keeping weight

m Trying to keep the weight off? Strawberry can be your best friend. Strawberry has a fairly low calories, no fat, sodium or sugar. Carbohydrates contained in it even only half a loaf of bread. Nothing wrong with inserting a strawberry in a part of your diet.

10. Maintaining health during pregnancy

Folate and B vitamins are recommended for women who are pregnant or give birth. Strawberry contains lots of folate and B vitamins that can help you. This substance is very good for babys brain development and skull early in pregnancy. In addition, folic acid in strawberries are also good for preventing birth defects.

That many wonders of strawberry for health. Nothing wrong with this fruit is called as one of the healthiest fruit because of the many benefits contained therein. So, do not hesitate to eat strawberries on a regular basis.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Ask the Internet How Are You Changing Your Eating Habits

Sweet readers! How have you been? Were slowly approaching full-swing mode here at CHG, and should resume our regularly scheduled program soon. (As it turns out, new marriage + new pet + new job as Food Editor of + new apartment + holidays in three different, non-adjacent states = not conducive to blogging.)

From Flickrs Mike_Fleming

In the meantime, Id love to hear from you on this lovely question:

Q: How are you changing your eating habits for 2011? Will you be cooking more? Buying less processed food? Going on an Monte Cristo binge for the entire month of February? (*coughs* *raises hand*) Do tell.

A: Personally, the year will begin with a massive effort to re-normalize my relationship with food. My all-cake diet will come to an end. Ill resume eating vegetables again. The bajillion dollars Ive been blowing on office lunches will dwindle down to zip.

After that ... Im not sure. Maybe Ill try some crazy bean recipes? Or work with the slow cooker a bit more often? Or just drink. That works.

How about you guys? The comment section, she is open.

Want to ask the interweb a question? Post one in the comment section, or write to Then, tune in next Tuesday for an answer/several answers from the good people of the World Wide Net.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Best Weight Loss Secrets Examined

(Article first published as Top Weight Loss Secrets Revealed on Technorati.)
As American waistlines continue to expand at an alarming rate, the US Department of Agriculture has developed a plan to assist in our weight loss effort, and profit from our obsession with sugar excess. The report proposes a surtax of up to 20% which would help alleviate the growing obesity problem, the main reason that two-thirds of the adult population is either overweight or obese.

The report concludes that the higher cost imposed on sugary beverages would cut 37 calories per day for adults and 43 for children, which would translate to a respective 3.8 and 4.5 pounds lost in a year. There is no doubt that the obesity problem is the single most significant issue threatening our health, as it leads to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

The answer is not a tax to discourage the purchase of sugary beverages, but rather a common sense understanding of the secrets behind the science which drive successful and permanent weight loss.

Secret 1: Substitute Tea and Water for Sweetened Drinks
Sugary drinks have no nutritional value, yet they contribute as much as a quarter of our daily calories. As the USDA report suggests, this is the best place to cut calories. The secret is not by taxation, but rather by conscious effort. All teas make a perfect and reshing substitute for soft drinks and provide important antioxidants as well. Water is also a good alternative, but be sure to use a filtered source if you’re connected to a city water supply.

Secret 2: Eat Breakfast, Include Protein
Breakfast is the single most important meal you eat each day, as it revs the fat burning metabolism into gear. Substitute a healthy protein source from nuts, seeds or lean meats and benefit from increased energy to get your day started. Additionally, you won’t be tempted to grab that pastry which will put you on a blood sugar rollercoaster for the rest of the day.

Secret 3: Read Nutrition Labels
Most of the information you need to make an informed decision about which foods fit best into your dietary budget are right on the package. Be caul to look closely at the serving size listed, as manufacturers use ridiculously small serving sizes as a way to make their food appear to have less calories. Choose reduced calorie versions which have high nutritional value and fiber whenever possible.

Secret 4: Eat Out Less and Plan Ahead
Restaurant and fast food meals are a recipe for high calorie foods of low nutritional value. Emphasis is placed on serving foods which will appeal to your taste for sugar, salt and hydrogenated fat, while piling on more than twice the calories you need at one sitting. Control your calories by planning each meal, and prepare using reduced calorie choices served on smaller 9” plates. Enjoy the company of family and friends and you’ll naturally avoid those second servings.

Secret 5: Stay Physically Active
Current guidelines recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of brisk aerobic exercise on most days. This may not be practical for some people with a busy schedule, but the important secret is to stay active throughout the day. You’ll burn 30 to 50% more calories carrying out your daily activities at a brisk pace, as opposed to sitting in a chair. If you have a desk job, try to get up and move for a few minutes twice an hour to keep your fat burning muscles active.

The secret to natural weight loss is not realized by restrictive taxation of sweetened beverages, but rather through the development of healthy dietary and lifestyle modifications. Caully review each food before eating and make wise reduced calorie substitutions whenever possible. Taking small sensible steps will slowly add up to an improvement in overall health and a positive outlook on life as you reach your ultimate weight goal.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Cancer protective properties of milk

Milk consumption has been linked to improved health, with decreased risks of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and colon cancer. A group of scientists in Sweden found that lactoferricin4-14 (Lfcin4-14), a milk protein with known health effects, significantly reduces the growth rate of colon cancer cells over time by prolonging the period of the cell cycle before chromosomes are replicated. In a new study, investigators report that treatment with Lfcin4-14 reduced DNA damage in colon cancer cells exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. Their results are published in the October issue of the Journal of Dairy Science®.

"We previously hypothesized that the prolongation of the cell cycle in colon cancer cells as a result of Lfcin4-14 treatment may give the cells extra time for DNA repair," says one of the lead investigators, Professor Stina Oredsson, of the Department of Biology at the University of Lund, Sweden. "Indeed, UV light-induced damage was decreased in colon cancer cells treated with Lfcin4-14 compared with controls. The differences were small but significant."

Investigators exposed colon cancer cells to UV light that caused DNA damage and then grew the cells in the absence or presence of Lfcin4-14. They evaluated DNA damage using a sensitive technique known as comet assay. After the cells are processed, the cells with DNA damage resemble a comet with a tail, and the intensity of the tail compared to the comet head indicates the number of DNA breaks. UV light exposure resulted in an increase in the number of comets while treatment with Lfcin4-14 reduced the number of comets in UV light-exposed cells.

To understand the mechanism by which Lfcin4-14 reduced DNA damage, investigators evaluated the levels of several proteins involved in cell cycle progression, DNA repair, and cell death. They found an increase in flap endonuclease-1, a protein associated with DNA synthesis; a decrease in b-cell lymphoma 2-associated X protein, which is involved with cell death; and a decrease in the level of -H2AX, indicating more efficient DNA repair. "These changes in expression support our hypothesis that Lfcin4-14 treatment resulted in increased DNA repair," says Dr. Oredsson.

Dr. Oredsson notes that cancer cells, in general, have defects in the DNA repair mechanisms. Thus, Lfcin4-14 may have a greater effect on normal cells than on cancer cells. "Our data suggest that the effects of Lfcin4-14 in prolonging the cell cycle may contribute to the cancer preventive effect of milk. This must be further investigated in different systems," she concludes.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Privilege of Living with Diabetes

Dear Beautiful Person (who happens to have diabetes),

Today, you are here. Is there a purpose to your being here? A universal, master purpose? Many claim to have the answer to this, but the honest response is that no one knows. The question is, in fact, irrelevant. You are here. That is a fact. Everything else is just speculation.

It matters not if its an illusion, a grand plan, a godly design, or a happenchance. You are here.

And while you are here, think upon the magnitude of your existence: The last science knew, the universe was 13.8 billion years old. During much of that time, Earth was a big, hot mess. Life only began to evolve 3.5 billion years ago. Modern man, alone, has only existed for about 200,000 years...  and only in the last 30 years or so, have we seen vast improvements in industry, technology, education, science... and medicine.


If you would have been diagnosed with diabetes (of almost any type) back in the 1800s, it was most certainly a death sentence -- if not, a very challenging life.

Insulin wasnt discovered as a treatment for diabetes until the 1920s, thanks to Banting and Best, when many children were literally dying of malnutrition and emaciation. Banting had the heart to insist on not patenting their new-found medicine, so that it could reach as many as needed it.

Metformin was invented in the 1920s as well, and has been used in other countries since the 40s, and 50s. It was not, however, approved in the United States for use with type 2 diabetes until 1994! Yes, that is not a typo. 1994.

Back in the pre-insulin days, starvation was all people knew to do to control diabetes. To eat basically no carbohydrates, or really anything much -- as proteins and fats can also raise glucose (though, admittedly, to a lesser degree). Many simply died because it was so stressful -- or they just couldnt resist pinching food, while no one was watching.

It wasnt until the 1980s when a person with diabetes was able to monitor their levels, independently, and the first glucose monitors appeared. If they had insulin -- that was a good tool -- but if they didnt, all they knew to do was avoid eating sweets. Diabetes has always been with us, at least in the archaeological records, since Egyptian times, and weve known its a disease about high glucose, but aside from that, there wasnt much monitoring of glucose levels until well into the 80s. Ask anyone who was diagnosed many years ago, and they will tell you stories of urine testing (sometimes, once a month, at a doctors office), and sharpening and boiling their own needles, for sterility.

In fact... we really didnt know that diabetes was not a disease caused by eating excess sugar and sweets, until at least the early 90s. The other day, I saw a very old VHS tape for an old Vitamix blender I have acquired, and in it, they recommended diabetics substituting honey, in place of sugar. I guess in their minds, anything that was natural sugar, was not really sugar.

And here we are now... 2013. With a variety of different types of insulin, mimicking both basal and bolus outputs from our pancreas, insulin pumps and CGMs to allow us to eat with more freedom and catch hypoglycemic events, the knowledge of counting carbohydrates and the freedom to eat cake, diabetes alert dogs, and glucose meters small, sleek, or indistinguishable from an iPod, small, and painless needles... and on the thresholds of smart insulin, biohub and artificial pancreas options, and noninvasive glucose testing.
. . .

Yes. Diabetes is still hard. But we are blessed to live in 2013, and not 1913. We can see ourselves as the victims of fate, or as the blessed recipients of a grand universal lottery. Think about the kind of life you have the chance to pursue, right now... that you would have never had a chance to pursue back then. Let it sink in -- let its blessings humble you. 

Yes... diabetes can be embarrassing. But all disease is humbling. 

Even if you never had diabetes, life is much of an embarrassing process, as well... At birth, and near death... someone has to wipe our behinds. We get old, and lose our good looks... we may get cancer, and lose our breasts, we may get alopecia, and lose our hair... We may be like Farrah Fawcett, and get colon cancer -- colon cancer. 

Illness is humbling -- for we have to accept that we are frail, that we get sick, that we get old, and yes, sometimes... that we havent always done the best to take care of ourselves. But, can you think of anyone who has been perfect -- all of their lives? Always perfect? I know one or two who claim they were -- and you know what -- I honestly dont like them very much. For one, they are liars. They may have read the manual on living, but they havent actually lived very much. No one learns to ride a bike from reading a book -- and thus it is with living. Some of us just have to fall a few more times, than others... and it is our beautiful, gnarly scars, which make us who we are.

I never thought of Farrah Fawcett as much of a hero -- until her war with colon cancer. And I never thought much at all, about Ryan ONeal, until his passionate devotion to the woman he sought to wed on her deathbed. 

Dont be angry at your loved ones, beautiful person (who happens to have diabetes). It is not a matter of blame. It is not a matter of fault. Dont leave this world, and lose hope... for these massive amount of events I have listed had to have gone through... and for you to be here, in this point in time. Your loved one, well... your loved one simply LOVES you. They are in deep fear because they do not want to be without you -- at least -- not sooner than life will will. Can we blame them? 

I was angry once... at my father for (in my own warped perception) not trying harder, at life and circumstance, and God, and you name it. I was once that angry loved one... living in FEAR. Sheer fear. But, you see... for whatever reason, you are here -- in this very moment in time, and a time when you happened to meet your loved one. This is a very precious moment in time... In fact, to quote Lawrence Krauss -- a renowned Theoretical Physicist: 
“Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode . . . The stars died so that you could be here today.”
Is diabetes embarrassing? Well, sometimes... But I am in fact honored to be so privileged to be alive, today... right now... Experiencing this universe, the love of friends, and family... The patter of rain on my window pains, the loving purr of my cat, and the imperfect love and friendship of that idiot that still lives here which I call my husband.

Yes, I am honored... to be living here, and living with diabetes.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Why Traditional Physicians Will Trump Walmarts Primary Care Service Offering

A big box with plenty of
room for primary care?
Several years ago, while the Disease Management Care Blog was supervising a medical resident clinic  (an example of how they work can be found here), an elderly patient came in for an appointment.  According to the resident, Mr. Jones (not his real name) would unexpectedly lose consciousness while walking. He also complained of feeling shaky and unsteady on his feet.  Prior to entering the clinic room to see Mr. Jones, the DMCB already suspected the patient had Shy-Drager Syndrome.  One look at the his staring and unblinking face confirmed it, all in the space of about five seconds.

Which is why the physician DMCB confidently thinks its profession ultimately has little to fear from Walmarts apparent interest in establishing a national network of primary care clinics in its big box stores. 

Caul scrutiny of the Walmart Request For Information (RFI) reveals that potential partner companies are welcome to showcase their health care "solutions," "applications" and "offerings" that are "convenient, accessible, affordable, consistent, scalable and integrated."  Walmart wants these companies to leverage its retail and multi-channel clout to to reduce costs and increase access while maintaining or improving outcomes in clinical care, diagnostic services, prevention and wellness. Care services can include a host of general medical services, management of chronic as well as acute conditions, laboratory testing and "other."  Ownership, financial arrangements, data sharing, integration, technology, logistics, back office functions and the level of customization are negotiable.  To be taken seriously by Walmart, candidate companies need to have a track record of success at a national level, a credible leadership team, a business plan, timeline, access to secondary partners as necessary and familiarity with quality assurance.  There is an notable absence of any erence to the "medical home."

While the similarity of "Big Box medicine" to retail clinics could be criticized at many levels, the DMCB has heard two two major concerns from its colleagues about Walmart:

1) Walmart and the like will further "Balkanize" the system, leading to more, not less, fragmentation and

2) it will commoditize health care, leading to narrow and regimented treatment protocols that dont take the "big picture" into account.

The DMCB disagrees with the first assertion because Walmarts RFI seems to envision a highly integrated system backed up by informatics, connectivity and quality metrics that - on paper - should lead to more coordination not less.  Thats good.

Yet, the DMCB thinks that there may be something to the second  assertion. It is Walmarts style to relentlessly attack costs at every part of its service cycle and the company probably believes the strategy can be applied to health care.  If thats Walmarts intention, itll almost certainly choose a vendor that industrializes guidelines like this in a one size-fits all "protocolized" fashion all the time every time.

Thats not necessarily bad, but that means therell be little room for the kind of smart heuristics that helped the DMCB get to a quick diagnosis.  The DMCB doesnt deny being "smart," but the the point is that the best primary care intelligently combines guidelines and heuristics.  The DMCBs physician colleagues have that special skill.  Thanks to competition from Walmart (and retail clinics), theyll hone that expertise and respond with a higher, more efficient and better quality standard of care for many patients for a long time to come.

Image from Wikipedia

Friday, April 4, 2014

Apple Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Apple

apple health benefits

Apples have many health benefits thus its well said an Apple a day keeps the doctor away! Have you ever thought if this phrase is practically true or it is just a trick to make us eat it. So my dear let me just tell you that this wonderful fruit is packed up with a lot of good things that will help you stay healthy and will try its best to keep the doctor away. Apple is low in calories and is notably good source of antioxidants.

Health Benefits of Apple Pectin

Apple is contained with high concentration of a compound called Pectin. Pectin is useful in many ways for maintaining a healthy body.

Apple health benefits due tthe presence of pectin are:

1. Pectin present in apple helps in the treatment of disorders related to digestion.

2. Pectin regularizes the bowel movements and it also helps in treating and controlling irritable bowel problems.

3. As apple pectin is soluble fiber it helps in maintaining good health by keeping low cholesterol levels and managing intestinal disorders
Pectin is found under apple peel in higher amount and is also present in the flesh of an apple. Pectin also used in making jams and jellies.

Apple Health Benefits for Weight Loss

Among various health benefits of apples is  high fiber content of apple, which makes an apple a  good weight loss food. Eat three apples a day and you shall be able to get rid of those extra bulges here and there. Each apple contains about 4.5 gms of fiber whereas the calories count is only 70 which is much less than the calorie present in 1 cup of chocolate ice-cream. 

Also Read : Apple detox diet at home

You can eat an apple before each meal. It is very filling and eating before meal will fill your stomach and will help you to cut down all the excess that you eat to please your taste buds.
Not only its filling but it will also give a boost to your digestive system, so that what ever you eat flushes out quick. The fiber in apples ensures that the nutrition is absorbed and the waste is driven out of your body soon. This will also make you feel fresh and energetic.
There are various Apple Diet programs available which primarily involves eating apple before meals and between meals. If followed properly both will show good results on scale.

Health Benefit of Apples for Healthy Teeth

Natures Toothbrush Apple : Have you ever heard of Natures Toothbrush Apple, this another praise that apple has in its credits.The qualities that makes an apple a good teeth cleanser and brighter are its acidic nature, its astringents properties and its fiber rich flesh.This crunchy fruit along with it juices will cleanse your teeth if taken after snacks. However you should not forget to rinse your mouth after eating an apple for removing the sugar and acids from your mouth.

Apples health benefits and Antioxidant

A lot of health benefits of apples are due to the presence of antioxidants in Apples 
Our body needs antioxidants to defend itself from various diseases, antioxidants keeps the harmful free radical in check. Free radicals are naturally produced in our body and are also derived from external agents like cigarette smoking, highly ined and processed food and from environment pollution as well.Among the various health benefits of apples is its capacity to keep the defense mechanism of our body intact. The presence of compounds called Antioxidants prevents damage of cells and tissues.

Apples have rich content of minerals. Boron is a mineral which is present in good amount in Apple. Boron keep the brain alert. It has got the ability to reduce the risk of pain in the joints as it tends to prevent osteoarthritis.

Apples are rich in Fibre

Another benefit of apple is its properties that help in reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol levels in the body which is due to the presence of fiber in apple.

Benefits of Eating Apples During Pregnancy

Many pregnant women have craving for apples. Studies have proved that  eating apples during pregnancy reduces the risk of developing asthma in the babies. 

These are just a few to name health benefits of apples but this great fruit Apple has a lot more credits to its name.