Internally, the heart muscle is separated by a layer of the ventricle into four chambers (right ventricle and the left) and Atrium (porch right and left). Porch wall is much thinner than the walls of the booth. Furthermore the left ventricle and large arteries or the aorta, to pump throughout the body that has no blood vessels. At the time of pulsing, every space filled with blood and the heart relaxes (called diastole). Subsequently the heart contracts and pumps blood out of the heart chambers (called systole). Both porches sag and contracting simultaneously, and the two chambers also loosens and contracts simultaneously.
> Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels
Various types of heart and blood vessel disease that has become a cause of death in the world. Several types of the disease, such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure (hypertension), heart Hypertension (Hipertention Heart Disease), ventricular fibrillation, stroke, and many more types of other degenerative diseases of heart.
Generally these diseases, caused by hyperlipidemia (excess blood fats), hypercholesterolemia (excess blood cholesterol) that are chronic, and in time they will form deposits in the walls of blood vessels, and eventually lead to stiffness of the blood vessels, veins can even occur penymbatan blood, resulting in elevated pressure in the blood vessels is called hypertension.
> Fasting Benefits For Heart Health
For cardiovascular disease, there is no better response than to prevent it. This can be done by improving healthy lifestyles, implement a healthy diet (emphasis on eating fibrous foods and bersayur, and do not overeat or eat foods that contain fat and high cholesterol), and continued with sports or organized activities.
Fasting will train someone, for regular life, and prevent overeating. According to the study, fasting can be healthy for the body, because the food is closely related to the bodys metabolic processes. When it turned out there was an increase fasting HDL and apoprotein alfa1, and decreased LDL was very beneficial for heart health and blood vessels. Some research suggests ramadan fasting affects the circadian rhythms of decline in the distribution of body temperature, cortisol, melatonin and glisemia. Various minor changes though are apparently also plays a role for the improvement of human health.
Psychological state of quiet, shady and not filled with anger while fasting was able to reduce adrenaline. Angry when an increasing number of adrenaline by 20-30 fold. Adrenaline will minimize muscle contraction bile, blood vessels constrict peripheral, coronary blood pebuluh expand, increasing blood pressure rterial and increase the volume of blood to the heart and the number of heartbeats. Adrenalin also increase the formation of cholesterol from low density fat protein. These developments may increase the risk of vascular disease, heart and brains as coronary heart disease, stroke and others.
Fasting can lower blood sugar levels, cholesterol and blood pressure control. That is why fasting is highly recommended for the treatment of those suffering from diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and high blood pressure. Under certain conditions, a patient is allowed even fasted, except those who are already suffering from severe diabetes, coronary heart disease and kidney stones. Fasting can keep a full stomach caused many to eat is the main cause of various diseases, particularly obesity, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and diseases caused by excess of other nutrients.
Cessation of water intake during fasting is very effective increases urine concentration in the kidney and increases the power of osmosis urine until it reaches 1,000 to 12,000 osmosis ml / kg of water. In certain circumstances it will be the member protection of renal function. Water shortages in the fasting was to minimize the volume of water in the blood. This condition results in a performance boost local mechanisms regulating blood vessels and increase the prostaglandins, which in turn spur job function and red blood cells.
In the fasting state was found to boost the immune system. Research shows when fasting occurred pengkatan lymphocytes to tenfold. Although the overall white blood cells did not change apparently mengalani T cells increase rapidly. Accidental changes in the low density lipoprotein (LDL), without being followed by the addition of HDL. LDL is a lipoprotein that meberika models for stumulatif influence the immune response.
In the latest pelitian showed that decreased levels of apobetta, raise levels of fasting apoalfa1 than before. The condition can keep seragan heart and blood vessel disease.
Endocrinology research suggests that diet during fasting that is rotatif become a burden in the assimilation of food in the body. This situation resulted in the digestive system and the secretion of insulin in large quantities. Various hormones decline is one of the secrets of life long-term.
A research paper by Dr. Ratey, a Harvard psikiaters, revealed that the regulation and restriction of caloric intake will improve brain performance. Dr.. Ratey do research on those who fasted and monitor their brain with a device called a "functional magnetic resonance imaging" (fMRI). The monitoring results concluded that each individual object shows activity "motor cortex" is increasing consistently and significantly.
Scientists in the field of neurology are called Mark Mattson, Ph.D., a neuroscience lab chief at the NIHs National Institute on Aging. In the research results indicate that a proper diet like fasting, can significantly protect the brain from de-generative diseases such as Alzheimers or Parkinsons. Research results show that restricting caloric intake diet with 30% to 50% of normal levels, decrease the heart rate and blood pressure, and simultaneously rejuvenating the brain cells.
That is the benefit of fasting for the heart. Read also do not drink tea went suhoor. Hopefully useful ...
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