For those of you bikers seem to have really paid attention to this one. Because recently in America there are studies that say that riding motorcycles can lead to health problems, especially the Adam could be impotence. Given this research, every man would now have to be more vigilant because the men who ride motorcycles are at risk of impotency and will have health problems in the bladder.
This is caused by a motorcycle seat and then coupled with the vibration of the machine will damage the nerves in the pubic area. Research conducted by Japanese doctors and published in the International Journal of Impotence Research went on to explain that the seat motors give excessive pressure on the perineum or skin that is below the testicles, the area between the anus and scrotum. Besides the pressure that can restrict blood flow to the genitals of the riders, who will have problems erectile difficulties.
The study also revealed the excessive vibration of the engine will cause a decrease in two growth hormones in the bladder and prostate (urinary dikantung glands), which are associated with relaxation of the bladder.
Unfortunately this study does not say in detail what kind of motor is the most cause impotence. But at least it could be a lesson for us that means two-wheeler riders to better maintain the vehicle so as not subjected to excessive vibration.
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