Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Muscle Building Tips

Before starting a weights plan you should evaluate your current position and goals.
Keep your workouts short: Muscles respond better to short intense sessions,
so does your boredom threshold and your life.
Start with compound: Compound exercises will help keep your workout short
and will allow your body to adapt to the rigours of weight training.
Eat well: When training with weights your body will burn up more protein as
these are the building blocks of muscle. Six small protein rich meals a day is your goal.
Supplement: Your body will be stressed by a weights workout so ensure
you take supplements that aid healthy joints and bones.
Rest: Muscles grow when the body is asleep so get plenty of rest for maximum gains. It will also help you to not over train.
Use correct technique: Bad technique leads to injuries and poor gains.
Take the time to get the right technique. If you’re struggling for form then the weight is too heavy.
Lower at half the speed of your lift: The lowering portion of the lift can help build the muscle so make the most of it!
Stretch and warm up: Warm muscles respond better to strength training,
it will also help you to avoid injury.

Measure your progress: Keep a log of your sessions so you can see your progress and you know what weights you were lifting in your last session.

Goals: Before you start any new program always write down your goals
Plan: Once you have set out your goals, draw up a plan on how you will achieve them.
Take a before photo: The change will be gradual and it is often difficult to see by looking in the mirror but take a picture every month and see the changes.
Do a fitness test: Before you start a new regime make sure you know
your current state of fitness.
Take your time to stay up to date: Read the latest fitness magazines
and books so you can stay up to date with current fitness developments.
Keep a journal: Keep a food and fitness journal; you will be surprised
at what it will reveal.
Eat several small meals: Eat several small meals through the day rather
than the accepted “three square meals.”
Drink water: Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day
Ward off stress: Take time to relax and reflect every day
Think positively: Think positively, negative feelings can set back your gains.

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