Sunday, November 17, 2013

How to Quickly and Naturally Shrink Stomach fat

Main stomach for women is also a member of the body that need to be maintained in size. If the woman's abdomen distended, it certainly will make them feel insecure and less confident. Especially for women who have given birth will make its appeal diminished. But not only women, men also can be affected distended abdomen. Here are tips that you can follow for a distended abdomen.

These tips will allow you to shrink belly fat, at least the tips below can make you more attractive appearance anywhere with any outfit.
1 . Do not Miss Meals
Just by skipping meals , you can easily get a bloated stomach . It happened because when you skip meals , the body responds by increasing cortisol levels , increase appetite and then storing fat , especially in the abdomen .

By eating small amounts of food and snacked on healthy food in a day to control the desire to eat due to hunger incredible . It is also important to keep your metabolism in order to avoid the accumulation of fat .

2 . Choosing the type of food
In addition to regulating diet , certain foods can cause stomach bulge turns . Eating excessive carbohydrates can increase the amount of abdominal fat man . One bad habit is the Indonesian people eat noodles mixed with rice , rice actually contain the high carbohydrate , as well as with the noodles we eat also includes carbohydrates . Reduce the amount of carbohydrates each day and replace them with fruits or minerals and vitamins from fruits .

3 . Do not Eat Food Sweet
Sugar is a mortal enemy for a flat belly . Because when consumed in excess , sugar will be stored as fat . If you want to eat sweets , eat only fruits such as blueberries , raspberries and strawberries to win your arousal .

4 . Shall exercise every day
Busyness is a very solid lead we sometimes do not have enough time to exercise , exercise is good for our health , especially to shrink the stomach should be doing sit - ups a few times in the morning . Regular crunches I did the stomach and can build muscle stripping . Enough 5 times waking up every morning is enough . If you do not have time to do sit - ups then try to walk as much as possible every day .

5 . Set lifestyle
Lifestyle that can really improve the spirit of life and reduce the incidence of disease , a lot of trivial things often do, but can make the stomach becomes distended . Sometimes there are people who lie down after eating , some are like sitting for long so the energy collected is not used all of them live in the abdomen into fat .

6 . Increase the intake of Vitamin C
Vitamin C can help maintain their level of cortisol under control . In addition , vitamin C is also important in the production of carnitine that is used by the body to convert fat into energy . Get the intake of citrus fruits , broccoli , and peppers kubris .

7 . Eating Foods That Contain Good Fat
Although want to trim the fat from the belly , but the body also still need fatty foods . Surely it takes the body are foods that contain good fats . Avocado , walnuts , and olive oil can meet the good fats that the body needs . Not only rich in good fats , these foods also contain high doses of omega - 3 that can increase metabolism .

8 . relax
Stress hormone , cortisol , plays a role in weight gain . When a person is stressed , then kortisolnya will increase . Generally, a person will experience severe stress when there are strict work deadlines , financial crisis , as well as injury or illness .

Under conditions of stress, cortisol levels will reach extreme levels or impair the function of the adrenal system . This can lead to weight gain or inability to lose weight . Not only that , the increased cortisol also resulted in a decrease immunity and increase inflammation .

9 . Drinking coffee and green tea
Well for this one possible way is quite easy and preferable . It turns out the caffeine in coffee can increase metabolic rate by 10 % and can help to burn calories . And green tea can reduce fat absorption and helps glucose circulation . Although coffee can help shrink belly fat , but do not forget the negative effects of coffee yes . Do not consume too much coffee too , because it can be dangerous to health as well .

10 . Reduce simple carbohydrates foods
Because simple carbohydrates in the diet was found to be converted into fat very quickly . So one way of reducing shrink belly fat foods containing simple carbohydrates like rice , white bread , pasta and more . Remember , you only need to reduce , it does not mean not eating . Because as ktia know rice is a staple food with a useful source of carbohydrates as an energy source kit . Well to replace the foods you can eat whole wheat bread and whole wheat pasta with complex carbohydrates .

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