Aloe vera has many benefits and has been used since ancient times for traditional medicine.
One of the benefits to be had from Aloe vera is its ability to nourish the skin, including the scalp.
Aloe vera is often used for cheap natural treatment for hair loss, due to the nature of aloe vera which can promote hair growth.
So how exactly how aloe vera can increase hair growth?
Here is a review of the workings of the aloe vera nourish hair growth:
1. reduce Sebum
Sebum is an oily substance that is produced naturally by the body. Sebum is secreted by glands hair.
If produced in normal amounts, sebum can help provide natural moisture to the scalp.
When produced in excessive amounts, sebum gets accumulated on the scalp, mixed with dirt and form a crust that can damage hair follicles and prevent the growth of new hair follicles.
Aloe vera has antibacterial properties that help reduce excess sebum, allowing the scalp to breathe, and the hair follicles to renew itself.
2. Enabling Hair Growth
Aloe vera activates new hair growth and hair follicles by increasing blood circulation to the follicle root.
Aloe vera also helps cleanse the pores and make the scalp pH into balance.
3. Provides Moisture Natural, Vitamins, and Minerals
Aloe vera is good for keeping the scalps natural moisture and hair follicles. Aloe vera contains over 20 minerals and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, and E.
Hair follicles require certain vitamins can be met by aloe vera.
Thats 3 ways aloe vera nourish hair. Read also for the health benefits of aloe vera. may be useful.
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