Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10 Tips to Maintain Eye Health

Health for human | The eye is a very valuable asset for Us. Eyes are organs that are very important because only with our eyes can see the world. But what would happen if the eye is damaged? No one wants to experience it? It is therefore important for us all to maintain the health of the eye so as not to have impaired vision or pain. Maintain Eye Health should be done by computer users every day. So how?

Here are the tips.

1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, especially those that contain lots of vitamin A such as tomatoes and carrots. In addition, the content of beta carotene in carrots is the best substance to maintain eye health.

2. Avoid wearing contact lenses / contact lense more than 19 hours as this can result in vision impairment in the extreme and make the eyes uncomfortable.

3. Use eye drops that can overcome the allergy such as red eyes or itchy during allergy season. But remember to use it sparingly because the usage of each day will only make the condition worse eye. Read labels carefully the manufacturers instructions. Should not shed a lot during the use of contact lenses. In addition, you must be careful memiilih eyedrops to avoid potential chemical hazards. Consult with your doctor first.

4. Refrigerate 2 slices of cucumber, put in the refrigerator for a few minutes, then place over your eyes and press gently for 10 minutes before bedtime to prevent swelling when you wake up.

5. Wear sunglasses to protect eyes from the sun. Select the glasses lens berpolar, not just the dark. Dark lenses will only make your pupils dilate without protecting it from sunlight. Exposed to sunlight for long periods of time would be very dangerous for your eyesight. Protection conducted sekarangakan very useful in the future.

6. Do not be too long staring at a computer screen because it will make your eyes minus. Eyes off the computer screen for 2 to 3 minutes so that the eyes are not strained. Do yoga eye every hour when you should be staring at a computer screen for hours. The trick is to wink 50 times very quickly to train and relax the eye muscles.

7. Use goggles or other eye protection when you have to deal with hazardous chemicals or in a place that may contain harmful gases.

8. Relax your eyes. Look to places that dominated the field and green colors to give freshness.

9. Visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year to get a proper diagnosis of eye diseases, especially if the disease may be treated with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. The doctor will also check for dry eye, retinal problems, and even the whole body health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. Some asymptomatic disease such as glaucoma (which can lead to total blindness) can also be detected early.

10. Put two tea bags in the refrigerator, and after you come home from work, put the two bags above your eye and press gently. This method can cure tired eyes.

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