Thursday, October 3, 2013

health benefits of raw chocolate

Health Benefits of Raw Chocolate
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health benefits of raw chocolate
Flavorful source of quick energy.
Eating chocolate elevates some peoples moods.

Chocolate i high in calories and fat.
Sugary chocolate can cause tooth decay.
Spoil the appetite for more healthful food choices. 
Chocolate may trigger migraine headaches.
Licorice may raise blood pressure in susceptible people.
health benefits of raw chocolate
Chocolate is nutritionally limited food sources, even though they have been enjoyed by people worldwide for centuries, but despite their nutritional drawbacks there is no harm in occasionally adding them to an otherwise healthy and balanced diet.
the returning crew of Columbuss fourth voyage in 1502 brought the first cocoa beans from the new World to Europe. The Spanish eventually combined them with vanilla and other flavoring, sugar, and milk to arrive at a concoction that as one writer noted at the time people would die for.
For the first couple of centuries after its introductions in Europe, chocolate was served only as a beverage. A solid form probably more like marzipan than the chocolate we know was touted as an instant breakfast in 18th century in France. The stimulant effects of chocolate were thought to make it a particularly useful food for soldiers standing watch during the night.
"The chocolate bar, first marketed  in about 1910, captured the publics imagination when it was issued to the U.S armed forces as a fighting food during World War II".
health benefits of raw chocolate
Chocolate is harvested from the pods and beans of the cocoa tree, an ever green that originated in the river valleys of South America. native Central and South Americans valued cocoa so highly that they used cocoa beans as currency. Today about three fourths of the worlds chocolate is grown in West Africa and most of the rest in Brazil.
After cocoa beans are harvested an initial phase of fermentation and drying is followed by low temperature roasting to bring out the flavor. Various increasingly complicated manufacturing processes follow, depending on whether the final product is to be solid chocolate or cocoa powder. 
In 1828 the Van Houten family of chocolate purveyors in Amsterdam  seeking to make a less oily drinking chocolate invented a screw press to remove most of the cocoa butter from the beans not only did it make a better drink, but they also found that by mixing the extracted cocoa butter back into ground cocoa beans, they could make a smoother, more unctuous solid paste that would absorb sugar, this eventually led to eating chocolate.
health benefits of raw chocolate
An ounce of solid chocolate contains about 150 calories and 2 or 3 grams of protein. The original bean has significant amount of vitamin  E and the B vitamin. These nutrients, however are so diluted as to be negligible in modern processed chocolate, sweet or semi sweet chocolate contains between 40 and 53% fat, or cocoa powder supply chromium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, but fat and calories make chocolate an inappropriate ate source of these minerals except when used in emergency rations.
A chemical composition that prevents it from quickly turning rancid made cocoa butter valuable as a long lasting food and cosmetic oil. Chocolates single triglyceride fat composition means that it is either a liquid or a solid natural chocolate cannot be spread like butter at room temperature. 
White Chocolate a mixture of cocoa butter, milk solids and sugar, contains no cocoa solids, unlike milk chocolate, white chocolate does not keep well because it lacks the compounds that prevent milk solids from becoming rancid over time.
health benefits of raw chocolate
Chocolate contain two related alkaloid stimulants theobromine and caffeine in a ratio of about 10 to 1. Theobromine, unlike caffeine, does not stimulate the central nervous system, its effects are mainly diuretic. Commercial chocolate products contain no more than about 0.1% caffeine and are much less stimulating, volume for volume, than a cup of decaffeinated coffee. Unsweetened baking chocolate for home use is a more concentrated source of caffeine. chocolate is also rich in phenylethylamine, a naturally occurring compound that has effect similar to those of amphetamine. In certain cases, it can also trigger MIGRAINE headaches in those sensitive to it. 
Some people more often women, have a tendency to binge on chocolate after emotional upsets, no scientific basis for this behavior has been proved, however, psychiatrists have theorized that chocoholics may be people who have a faulty mechanism for regulating their body levels of phenylethylamine others attribute chocolate cravings to hormonal changes, such as those that occur during puberty or a womans premenstrual phase.
After centuries of investigation, chocolates once vaunted aphrodisiac qualities can be discounted, but in its myriad modern forms, chocolate is an endless temptation and for those who can withstand the caloric assault a culinary source of pleasure.
health benefits of raw chocolate
The Finest chocolate gets its unique and appealing texture from pure cocoa butter, its distinct flavor comes from a high proportion of cocoa solids.
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
health benefits of raw chocolate
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