Of course you all know this one kind of vegetable. Typical shape and wrinkles that make vegetables so memorable. Yes, especially if it is not broccoli.
Broccoli has the Latin name Brassica oleracea. Broccoli is a vegetable belonging to the tribe cabbage (Brassicaceae). The ancient Greeks, a native plant from the middle east region has long been cultivated. And vegetables that contain a lot of vitamin C is becoming known in Indonesia sometime in the 1970s. Until now broccoli is very popular as food.

It has long been kind of vegetables like cauliflower is believed to have tremendous benefits for health. One is to address all matters stomach. Like other vegetables, broccoli is rich in provitamin A or carotenoids, vitamin E, folic acid and vitamin C. According to some beauty experts, vitamin A in broccoli contain antioxidants are better than that possessed by antioxidant vitamin C. In addition, benefits in skin rejuvenation is very good because evitel revitalizing vitamin A can inhibit and slow down aging of the skin. It is one of the benefits of broccoli. Here are some reviews about the benefits of broccoli and how to get it.
Overcoming All Stomach Problems
Broccoli is helpful in treating constipation. From the most minor problems. Broccoli contains nutrients, fivonoid, and fiber. As we all know that fiber is needed by the body to facilitate the digestive process. And fiber in broccoli may help prevent constipation or better known as constipation.
Recent studies and more specifically the idea that broccoli can reduce the risk of a variety of digestive disorders such as gastritis, gastric infection, and possibly stomach cancer. In a Japanese study, researchers found that eating 70 grams of fresh broccoli every day for 2 months to protect the human family of bacteria-related stomach ulcer disease, gastric infections, and stomach cancer. Substances contained in broccoli is most important to prevent the affairs of the stomach is sulforaphane also able to increase the production of enzymes in the liver. This enzyme plays holding materials carcinogen (causes cancer) and remove it from the cell. In addition, sulforaphane has the ability to kill Helicobacter pylori (the bacteria work bullies stomach). And in the medical world, these germs are the leading cause of injury and cancer, and stomach.
Prevent damage to blood vessels in diabetes. In addition to the affairs of the stomach, researchers from the University of Warwick believes if sulforaphane have a role in restoring the blood vessels are damaged by high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), which is closely related to diabetes.
Alzheimers is a form of dementia (memory loss) is most common among the elderly. Disease sufferers everyday activities. Actually broccoli have long believed to have an important role to cure the disease. Many researchers suspect that broccoli contains compounds antiacetylcholinesterase. In a study conducted by Kings College in London, broccoli is considered to have the most powerful antiacetylcholineaterase properties.
How to Take Benefits of Broccoli
To get the benefits mentioned above, would not then you can buy and consume broccoli. Then expect to get the benefits. Broccoli has a nice dark green color and coarse-textured clear.
There are several ways to eat broccoli, so you still get the health benefits. If you love fresh vegetables, broccoli can you direct consumption. Or you can also make it as one of the vegetables and the contents mixed with other vegetables for a salad. Alternatively, you can eat broccoli in the form of juice.

If you are not too fond of eating right, you can choose to boil it first. But keep in mind, you should not steam or boil the broccoli more than 5 minutes 1 inch above the boiling water. Because sulforaphane content of broccoli can be lost if cooked too long. And please note, the content of sulforaphane in broccoli is higher than in the boiled or steamed broccoli overcooked.
If you want to wash the broccoli, you should do by washing in cold tap water. And you should not soak the broccoli because the active substances or nutrients can be dissolved in water.
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