Apples usually consumed in the form of fresh fruit, juice contrived, or made apple chips. It also can be made in addition to the cake, for example, an apple cake. Feels pleasure is not only felt in the form of fresh fruit just yet processed, however, remains tasty and savory.
Based on the odyssey that I do in the virtual world, finally managed to find some of the content of nutrients in this fruit, including carbohydrates, proteins, water, vitamin A, vitamin b1, vitamin b2, vitamin b3, vitamin b5, vitamin b6, vitamin b9, vitamin c, calcium, iron, magnesium, Phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.
With abundant nutrient in apples, in addition to providing a sense of freshness and pleasure to those who eat it is also very beneficial for health. There is even an old saying "eat an apple a day keeps the grain in you never go to the doctor."
Here are some health benefits of apples:
1. Protecting Bone
2. Asthma
3. Preventing Al-zheimer
4. Lowering Cholesterol Levels
5. Preventing lung cancer
6. Prevent Breast Cancer
7. Preventing colon cancer
8. Prevent Liver Cancer
9. Controlling diabetes
10. Lose weight
Benefits of apples for beauty:
1. By eating fresh apples you will feel the benefits of antioxidants contained in it, that is able to
- Prevent cell and tissue damage
- Prevent wrinkles and premature aging
- The growth of healthy hair
2. Apple cider vinegar (apple cider vinegar) can be used to treat acne. It will remove bacteria and excess oil on the skin and are also able to balance skin ph. Way Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar to 8 parts water then dip a cotton ball. Apply the cotton balls to the face gently. Last rinse with warm water. Avoid rinsing your face with apple vinegar water mixture because it can lead to dry skin.
3. Smoothing the skin. Way Mix apple cider vinegar in a cream or lotion that you normally use.
4. Makes hair shiny. After you shampoo and rinse hair rather dry, mix 5 drops of balsamic vinegar into the cold water and then apply on hair dannkulit head.
The benefits of apple perhaps more than what I have mentioned above, so for those of you who are not currently eating fruits like apples try to eat them even if only 1 piece per day. Because as I mentioned above, that there is a saying that one apple a day will keep you from the doctor.
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