As the growth of the fetus in the womb was a series of changes experienced by expectant mothers, either physical or mental. Here are 8 extraordinary changes that occur when the mothers two entities.
1. The growth of new organs
Not just the baby that grows in the womb, the pregnant womans body is also developing a new organ. The placenta is the only organ while existing in the human body.
The placenta began to emerge when the fertilized egg cell. In this phase of his name is multicellular blastocyst, then stick on the wall of the uterus a week later. Measuring 2.2 kg, the placenta also be an endocrine organ, which means she took the hormones needed for pregnancy run smoothly.
2. The bones become soft
To get into the birth canal, the babys head must pass through a stage of hard bone. But the pregnant womans body in an extraordinary way is able to provide for her baby. The body will release the hormone relaxin, which served to loosen the binding of cartilage pelvic bone.
Relaxation process of bone that make childbirth easier. However, the hormone relaxin also affects the joints. During pregnancy relaxin levels are found in the body increases to 10 percent that cause expectant mothers suffer from back pain and sore.
3. So forgetful
According to research in 2010, on the second and third trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers memory decline than women who did not conceive. Hormonal changes strongly suspected to be the cause.
4. Nausea and vomiting
Although commonly called morning sickness, but most pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting throughout the day. The main trigger is the smell and the smell is too strong. Complaints of nausea and vomiting usually disappear when entering the 12 weeks of pregnancy. Complaints of morning sickness peaks along with the growth of embryonic organs.
5. Burning sensation in the chest
Complaints of burning sensation in the chest caused by pressure on the digestive tract as the fetus continues to expand.
6. Frequent urination
The growing size of the baby in the uterus causes pressure on the bladder, urethra, and pelvic floor muscles. This pressure also causes the discharge of urine during pregnancy coughing, sneezing, or laughing.
7. Increased blood volume
At 20 weeks the body will produce blood by 50 percent. This additional blood volume can cause side effects such as varicose veins or hemorrhoids. However, this good blood circulation causes the skin and hair becomes more shiny, so do not be surprised if many pregnant women look more beautiful.
8. Tingling in the fingers
Although not a pianist or an employee who a lot of typing, but the pregnancy alone can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. The main symptoms are numbness and tingling in the fingers. Increased fluid in the body, including in the wrist will cause pressure on the nerves causing numbness and tingling.
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