11) Find the muscular congestion : congestion try to feel a deep muscle in the area you work before to conclude that muscle training . The muscle should be very congested before moving to another group.
12 ) Set some goals : try to mark you goals like getting an inch over arm circumference in a month, or add 5 kilos more to " bench " at a given time .
13 ) Eat 5 times a day to gain muscle weight you need to eat more, but is much more practical and beneficial to add a couple more meals a day to pile more food on your plate , in 3 meals.
14 ) No sobreenternes : if you train with great intensity all the time your progress will stop. Train , but do not exhaust yourself . The intensity is necessary for growth , but it can not be maximum in each set of each exercise .
15 ) Outdoor Oxygen : even if you think that is not related to bodybuilding , it is important to get every day a good dose of pure oxygen and for that nothing beats a leisurely stroll outdoors.
16 ) Keep your enthusiasm high : if you feel your enthusiasm declines, then its time to stoke the fire . Lee fitness blog like ours , magazines , go to competitions , etc. .
17 ) Maintain high intake of vitamins and minerals : take one tablet a good multivitamin a day with a meal. That will ensure you do not miss any lack of vital nutrients . You need vitamin C , E and B complex, calcium and potassium also due to intense physical exercise.
18 ) Sleep at least 8 hours . : Muscles grow while you rest . Do not think you can develop a good muscular body if you do not get enough sleep .
19 ) Do not junk food atiborres : all heavily processed foods : sweets, chocholate , cookies , soft drink and soda , pizza and other quick cooking foods are not the most suitable for your diet .
20 ) Do not skip breakfast : the most important meal of the day probably because breakfast when your body can take without food for about 10 hours or more . So you can never progress. Eat breakfast with plenty of protein and carbohydrates every day.
I hope you will be helpful , comment and suggest . And do not forget to share !
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