Actually, brewski hinders your body’s ability to burn fat in several ways:
Alcohol is a source of unwanted empty calories:
Each gram of Ethanol, aka Alcohol, contains seven calories; these are called empty calories, which means that your body doesn’t burn any calorie while “digesting” alcohol.This being said, a single small beer contains 150 empty calories, this is roughly the equivalent of 15 min of jogging. Remember! The calorific effect is only the visible part of our iceberg.
Alcohol can hamper dramatically fat oxidation process:
Human body uses stored fat as a primarily source of fuel, especially during sleep and mild physical activities. However, whenever ethanol is available, it is rapidity converted to Acetaldehyde then eventually to Acetate. The body shut down fat oxidation and starts using Acetate as its primarily fuel. Some studies have shown that a dose as small as two shots of vodka, is able to shut down the whole body oxidation by 73% for several hours!Alcohol intake leads to androgen deficiency in men
Acetylaldehyde, a product of alcohol metabolism, affects interstitial cells of Leydig by lowering considerably their ability to produce testosterone; a highly important hormone for gaining muscles, losing fat and male reproductive health. Alcohol also affects testosterone level in a different approach; it does this by hindering the P450 liver enzymes’ normal functions. The liver ceases breaking down estrogen molecules which increases estrogen levels in blood stream, theore lowering testosterone level. If you are yearning to ditch that fat tummy for ever, try to cut-down or avoid completely alcohol consumption.Hops: a “wicked and pernicious weed” in your beer
If you are a crazy beer lover like I was, you must be certainly acquainted with the wonderful relaxing effect of hops. As soon as I would sip my first beer, all tensions and jitters would vaporize completely in a matter of seconds. Hops, also known as Humulus lupulus, is a powerful herb against anxiety, it has also a strong sedative effect. Lots of home fires, SPA home drowning accidents and other types of such misfortunes are caused solely by the sedative effect of this beer additive.Hops has also another catastrophic drawback; its effect on testosterone is even worse than alcohol itself. It is considered, the most potent anti-testosterone consumed plant par excellence. Due to its high phytoestrogen content, and just by its olfactory propriety, hops was known to cause menstrual cramps, as well as irregularities in the menstrual cycles of women working in hops field. In men it affects testosterone production, libido, fat gut and man boobs.
For that matter, hops was dubbed “wicked and pernicious weed” and was banned for a period of time in England during the 16th century. Today, hops is mainly used as a beer additive and also as a main ingredient of breast enlargement pills.
Not only both alcohol and hops cause androgen deficiency in men but they are also strong appetizers and lead to overeating. I’m sorry to say this, but I have to say it: I really think any man whose wish is to ditch his beer belly, and by the way increase his virility, should stop consuming beer altogether.
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