But before any of that: Clear eyes! Full hearts! The links!
1) New York Times: For Corn Syrup, the Sweet Talk Gets Harder
HFCS has taken a huge publicity hit in the U.S. the last couple of years, and it’s being lected in sales. Less money is never a good thing for any business, so food manufacturers are taking steps to replace corn syrup with real sugar. Honestly, I don’t know how much better that is anyway, but HFCS admittedly kind of freaks me out. So … yay?

LOVE this post about combating supermarkets’ subtle ways of getting you to buy extra stuff. Think of it like a casino: go in with a plan, and you’ll walk out with your pants still on. (Um … you know what I mean.) (Thanks to Casual Kitchen for the link.)
3) Frugal Green Family: Considering a CSA? Weighing the Pros and Cons
For those of us still on the fence about a CSA share, this fabulously thoughtful post should seal the deal, either way.
4) Get Rich Slowly: The Savvy Shopper’s Guide to the Farmers’ Market
Need help navigating your farmer’s market? Go here. Do it now. Before you start cluelessly wandering your local produce gathering like a noob. Heh. Noob.
5) Surviving and Thriving: I glean ketchup packets. So what?
“Want to be considered weird, embarrassing or just plain cheap? Be frugal among people who aren’t.” In her new blog, MSN’s Donna Freedman discusses life as a frugalist, and why some people look at it weirdly (but probably shouldn’t). Good stuff.
6) Publix Penny Pincher: How to Make Your Cashier Love You
I first read the title as “How to Make Your Cashier Make Love to You.” Needless to say, it’s not about that. BUT, these simple supermarket tips will turn grocery shopping into a much more pleasant experience for everyone involved. Remember: Cashiers are people, too! (People who enjoy making love.)
7) HuffPo: A Table, Les Enfants! Dinner Is Served!
Neat piece about mealtime cultural differences between the author’s American family and French in-laws. At home, she’s always eaten quickly, mostly for fuel. Abroad, she parks her derriere and takes the time to enjoy the frommage. Tres bien.

Yes! This! Your parsley will never wilt prematurely again. (Photo courtesy of The Kitchn.)
9) Non-Meat Athlete: 7 Steps to Eating Less Meat Now
We all know that consuming less beef, poultry, and pork is better for our health and bank accounts. But how do we start? This guy knows. Oh, how he knows. (Thanks to Casual Kitchen for the link.)
10) The Atlantic Food: Among Dorms and Dining Halls, Hidden Hunger
Hey low-income college kids! Do you want an education, or do you want to eat? Unfortunately, more of you are being forced to make that decision. Fortunately, there are an increasing number of food programs being created to address the problem. Still, yikes.
Associated Press: Expert: Surface area of Gulf oil spill has tripled
The AP piece is a few days old by now, but it’s still a solid overview of the Gulf catastrophe. This NYT article is newer, and explains how it might affect our seafood supply. What a mess, people.
Casual Kitchen: Meat Versus Miles - Why Less Meat is Better Than Going Local
Ideally, you can be doing both and still saving some cash. But slowly phasing meat out is a tad more effective.

I grew up on electric, and started using gas when I began renting. I will never switch back. And you can punctuate it. (Photo from Wikimedia.)
Food Politics: Where Do Farm Subsidies Go? Now We Know.
It’s your tax dollars at work. In the fields. For major corporations, mostly.
Get Rich Slowly: Getting Paid to Lose Weight with Healthy Wage
Is competing for a cash prize a good way to drop some pounds? Adam Baker is gonna find out. His Healthy Wage team has three months to lose, with $10,000 at stake.
The Kitchn
How Does a Food Lover Maintain a Healthy Weight?
Whipping Cream or Egg Whites: Soft, Firm, and Stiff Peaks - A Visual Guide
Link #1: Huge comment thread chock full of sweet suggestions.
Link #2: Ooo! My angel food cakes will be much happier now.
Money Saving Mom
Freezing Homemade Baby Food
Is Freezer Cooking Really Worth it?
Link #1: Looking to cut down on Gerber jars? Here’s how.
Link #2: Crystal’s first reason alone is enough to make me want to try this. Dishes are the scourge of humanity, people.
My Paper Crane: the dirty dozen cheat sheet
Need a super-cute graphic reminder of what organics to buy? This is your post.
NY Times: Farmers Cope With Roundup-Resistant Weeds
Dude. Nature ALWAYS wins. This could be very not good. Or just the opposite, if it’s publicized enough.
Serious Eats: Are There Foods You Can’t Keep in the House?
M&Ms. I will eat every one of them in a single sitting, lick the bag when they’re gone, and snort the air for chocolate dust particles afterward.
Simple Bites: Ten Ingredients You Must Have on Your Spice Rack
Guest poster Lydia Walshin runs down a list of her ten essentials, including a surprising #10. While I might add cloves, it’s a solid roundup.
This Mama Cooks: Healthy Comfort Food Weekly Meal Plan
It’s essentially a recipe roundup, but it’s a REALLY good recipe roundup. I want to go to here.
The Seattle Times: Local boy with cancer turns into a superhero for a day
Favorite. Story. EVAH. 13-year-old Erik Martin is struggling with cancer, and loves superheroes. So, Make-A-Wish got most of Seattle together (seriously, it’s a cast of thousands) to turn him into one. I swear, this will warm your heart, kidneys, spleen, and every inch of your intestines. Go now!
Betty White SNL Promo
If you can’t catch FNL, go for SNL. The second take nearly made me cry laughing. St. Olaf, represent!
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